Diary in America, Series Two, by
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Title: Diary in America, Series Two
Author: Frederick Marryat (AKA Captain Marryat)
Release Date: October 21, 2007 [EBook #23138]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Nick Hodson of London, England
Diary in America--Series Two
by Captain Marryat.
I believe that the remarks of a traveller in any country not his own, let
his work be ever so trifling or badly written, will point out some
peculiarity which will have escaped the notice of those who were born
and reside in that country, unless they happen to be natives of that
portion of it in which the circumstance alluded to was observed. It is a
fact that no one knows his own country; from assuetude and, perhaps,
from the feelings of regard which we naturally have for our native land,
we pass over what nevertheless does not escape the eye of a foreigner.
Indeed, from the consciousness that we can always see such and such
objects of interest whenever we please, we very often procrastinate
until we never see them at all. I knew an old gentleman who having
always resided in London, every year declared his intention of seeing
the Tower of London with its Curiosities. He renewed this declaration
every year, put it off until the next, and has since left the world without
having ever put his intention into execution.
That the Americans would cavil at portions of the first part of my work,
I was fully convinced, and as there are many observations quite new to
most of them, they are by them considered to be false; but the United
States, as I have before observed, comprehend an immense extent of
territory, with a population running from a state of refinement down to
one of positive barbarism; and although the Americans travel much,
they travel the well beaten paths, in which that which is peculiar is not
so likely to meet the eye or even the ear. It does not, therefore, follow
that because what I remark is new to many of them, that therefore it is
false. The inhabitants of the cities in the United States, (and it is those
who principally visit this country), know as little of what is passing in
Arkansas and Alabama as a cockney does of the manners and customs
of Guernsey, Jersey, and the Isle of Man.
The other day, one American lady observed that, "it was too bad of
Captain Marryat to assert that ladies in America carried pigtail in their
work-boxes to present to the gentlemen;" adding, "I never heard or saw
such a thing in all my life." Very possible; and had I stated that at New
York, Philadelphia, Boston, or Charleston, such was the practice, she
then might have been justifiably indignant. But I have been very
particular in my localities, both in justice to myself and the Americans,
and if they will be content to confine their animadversions to the
observations upon the State to which they belong, or my general
observations upon the country and government, I shall then be content;
if, on the contrary, their natural vanity will not allow any remarks to be
made upon the peculiarities of one portion of society without
considering them as a reflection upon the whole of the Union, all I can
say is that they must, and will be annoyed.
The answer made to the lady who was "wrathy" about the pigtail was,
"Captain M has stated it to be a custom in one State. Have you ever
been in that State?"
"No, I have not," replied the lady, "but I have never heard of it." So
then, on a vast continent, extending almost from the Poles to the
Equator, because one individual, one mere mite of creation among the
millions (who are but a fraction of the population which the country
will support), has not heard of what passes thousands of miles from her
abode, therefore it cannot be true! Instead of cavilling, let the American
read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest all that I have already said, and
all that I intend to say in these volumes; and although the work was not
written for them, but for my own countrymen, they will find that I have
done them friendly service.
There is much comprehended in the simple word "travelling" which
heads this chapter, and it is

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