Diary, Oct/Nov 1664 | Page 5

Samuel Pepys
at the office before
I went home I took her into the office and there kissed her only. She
rebuked me for doing it, saying that did I do so much to many bodies
else it would be a stain to me. But I do not see but she takes it well
enough, though in the main I believe she is very honest. So after some
kind discourse we parted, and I home to dinner, and after dinner down
to Deptford, where I found Mr. Coventry, and there we made, an
experiment of Holland's and our cordage, and ours outdid it a great
deale, as my book of observations tells particularly. Here we were late,
and so home together by water, and I to my office, where late, putting

things in order. Mr. Bland came this night to me to take his leave of me,
he going to Tangier, wherein I wish him good successe. So home to
supper and to bed, my mind troubled at the businesses I have to do, that
I cannot mind them as I ought to do and get money, and more that I
have neglected my frequenting and seeming more busy publicly than I
have done of late in this hurry of business, but there is time left to
recover it, and I trust in God I shall.

4th. Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning, and this
morning Sir W. Pen went to Chatham to look: after the ships now going
out thence, and particularly that wherein the Duke and himself go. He
took Sir G. Ascue with: him, whom, I believe, he hath brought into
play. At noon to the 'Change and thence home, where I found my aunt
James and the two she joyces. They dined and were merry with us.
Thence after dinner to a play, to see "The Generall;" which is so dull
and so ill-acted, that I think it is the worst. I ever saw or heard in all my
days. I happened to sit near; to Sir Charles Sidly; who I find a very
witty man, and he did at every line take notice of the dullness of the
poet and badness of the action, that most pertinently; which I was
mightily taken with; and among others where by Altemire's command
Clarimont, the Generall, is commanded to rescue his Rivall, whom she
loved, Lucidor, he, after a great deal of demurre, broke out; "Well, I'le
save my Rivall and make her confess, that I deserve, while he do but
possesse." "Why, what, pox," says Sir Charles Sydly, "would he have
him have more, or what is there more to be had of a woman than the
possessing her?" Thence-setting all them at home, I home with my wife
and Mercer, vexed at my losing my time and above 20s. in money, and
neglecting my business to see so bad a play. To-morrow they told us
should be acted, or the day after, a new play, called "The Parson's
Dreame," acted all by women. So to my office, and there did business;
and so home to supper and to bed.

5th. Up betimes and to my office, and thence by coach to New
Bridewell to meet with Mr. Poyntz to discourse with him (being Master
of the Workhouse there) about making of Bewpers for us. But he was
not within; however his clerke did lead me up and down through all the
house, and there I did with great pleasure see the many pretty works,

and the little children employed, every one to do something, which was
a very fine sight, and worthy encouragement. I cast away a crowne
among them, and so to the 'Change and among the Linnen Wholesale
Drapers to enquire about Callicos, to see what can be done with them
for the supplying our want of Bewpers for flaggs, and I think I shall do
something therein to good purpose for the King. So to the Coffeehouse,
and there fell in discourse with the Secretary of the Virtuosi of
Gresham College, and had very fine discourse with him. He tells me of
a new invented instrument to be tried before the College anon, and I
intend to see it. So to Trinity House, and there I dined among the old
dull fellows, and so home and to my office a while, and then comes Mr.
Cocker to see me, and I discoursed with him about his writing and
ability of sight, and how I shall do to get some glasse or other to helpe
my eyes by candlelight; and he tells me he will bring me the helps he
hath within a day or two, and shew me what he do. Thence to the
Musique-meeting at the Postoffice, where I
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