Diary, Jun/Jul 1660 | Page 9

Samuel Pepys
wife to my
father's, where met with Swan,--[William Swan is called a fanatic and a
very rogue in other parts of the Diary.]--an old hypocrite, and with him,
his friend and my father, and my cozen Scott to the Bear Tavern. To
my father's and to bed.
21st. To my Lord, much business. With him to the Council Chamber,
where he was sworn; and the charge of his being admitted Privy
Counsellor is L26. To the Dog Tavern at Westminster, where Murford
with Captain Curle and two friends of theirs went to drink. Captain
Curle, late of the Maria, gave me five pieces in gold and a silver can for
my wife for the Commission I did give him this day for his ship, dated
April 20, 1660 last. Thence to the Parliament door and came to Mr.
Crew's to dinner with my Lord, and with my Lord to see the great
Wardrobe, where Mr. Townsend brought us to the governor of some
poor children in tawny clothes; who had been maintained there these
eleven years, which put my Lord to a stand how to dispose of them,
that he may have the house for his use. The children did sing finely,
and my Lord did bid me give them five pieces in gold at his going
away. Thence back to White Hall, where, the King being gone abroad,
my Lord and I walked a great while discoursing of the simplicity of the
Protector, in his losing all that his father had left him. My Lord told me,

that the last words that he parted with the Protector with (when he went
to the Sound), were, that he should rejoice more to see him in his grave
at his return home, than that he should give way to such things as were
then in hatching, and afterwards did ruin him: and the Protector said,
that whatever G. Montagu, my Lord Broghill, Jones, and the Secretary,
would have him to do, he would do it, be it what it would. Thence to
my wife, meeting Mr. Blagrave, who went home with me, and did give
me a lesson upon the flageolet, and handselled my silver can with my
wife and me. To my father's, where Sir Thomas Honeywood and his
family were come of a sudden, and so we forced to lie all together in a
little chamber, three stories high.

22d. To my Lord, where much business. With him to White Hall,
where the Duke of York not being up, we walked a good while in the
Shield Gallery. Mr. Hill (who for these two or three days hath
constantly attended my Lord) told me of an offer of L500 for a
Baronet's dignity, which I told my Lord of in the balcone in this gallery,
and he said he would think of it. I to my Lord's and gave order for
horses to be got to draw my Lord's great coach to Mr. Crew's. Mr.
Morrice the upholsterer came himself to-day to take notice what
furniture we lack for our lodgings at Whitehall. My dear friend Mr.
Fuller of Twickenham and I dined alone at the Sun Tavern, where he
told me how he had the grant of being Dean of St. Patrick's, in Ireland;
and I told him my condition, and both rejoiced one for another. Thence
to my Lord's, and had the great coach to Brigham's, who went with me
to the Half Moon, and gave me a can of good julep, and told me how
my Lady Monk deals with him and others for their places, asking him
L500, though he was formerly the King's coach-maker, and sworn to it.
My Lord abroad, and I to my house and set things in a little order there.
So with Mr. Moore to my father's, I staying with Mrs. Turner who
stood at her door as I passed. Among other things she told me for
certain how my old Lady Middlesex ---- herself the other day in the
presence of the King, and people took notice of it. Thence called at my
father's, and so to Mr. Crew's, where Mr. Hetley had sent a letter for me,
and two pair of silk stockings, one for W. Howe, and the other for me.
To Sir H. Wright's to my Lord, where he, was, and took direction about
business, and so by link home about 11 o'clock. To bed, the first time

since my coming from sea, in my own house, for which God be

23d. By water with Mr. Hill towards my Lord's lodging and so to my
Lord. With him to Whitehall, where I left him and went to Mr. Holmes
to deliver him the horse of Dixwell's that had staid there fourteen days
at the Bell.
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