Diary, July 1665 | Page 9

Samuel Pepys
clerke, who had been in company and was quite foxed. I
took him with me in my boat, and so away to Richmond, and there, by
night, walked with him to Moreclacke, a very pretty walk, and there
staid a good while, now and then talking and sporting with Nan the
servant, who says she is a seaman's wife, and at last bade good night.

11th. And so all night down by water, a most pleasant passage, and
come thither by two o'clock, and so walked from the Old Swan home,
and there to bed to my Will, being very weary, and he lodging at my
desire in my house. At 6 o'clock up and to Westminster (where and all
the towne besides, I hear, the plague encreases), and, it being too soon
to go to the Duke of Albemarle, I to the Harp and Ball, and there made
a bargain with Mary to go forth with me in the afternoon, which she
with much ado consented to. So I to the Duke of Albemarle's, and there

with much ado did get his consent in part to my having the money
promised for Tangier, and the other part did not concur. So being
displeased with this, I back to the office and there sat alone a while
doing business, and then by a solemn invitation to the Trinity House,
where a great dinner and company, Captain Dobbin's feast for Elder
Brother. But I broke up before the dinner half over and by water to the
Harp and Ball, and thence had Mary meet me at the New Exchange,
and there took coach and I with great pleasure took the ayre to
Highgate, and thence to Hampstead, much pleased with her company,
pretty and innocent, and had what pleasure almost I would with her,
and so at night, weary and sweaty, it being very hot beyond bearing, we
back again, and I set her down in St. Martin's Lane, and so I to the
evening 'Change, and there hear all the towne full that Ostend is
delivered to us, and that Alderman Backewell
[Among the State Papers is a letter from the king to the Lord General
(dated August 8th, 1665): "Alderman Backwell being in great straits for
the second payment he has to make for the service in Flanders, as much
tin is to be transmitted to him as will raise the sum. Has authorized him
and Sir George Carteret to treat with the tin farmers for 500 tons of tin
to be speedily transported under good convoy; but if, on consulting
with Alderman Backwell, this plan of the tin seems insufficient, then
without further difficulty he is to dispose for that purpose of the
L10,000 assigned for pay of the Guards, not doubting that before that
comes due, other ways will be found for supplying it; the payment in
Flanders is of such importance that some means must be found of
providing for it" ("Calendar," Domestic, 1664-65, pp. 508, 509)]
did go with L50,000 to that purpose. But the truth of it I do not know,
but something I believe there is extraordinary in his going. So to the
office, where I did what I could as to letters, and so away to bed,
shifting myself, and taking some Venice treakle, feeling myself out of
order, and thence to bed to sleep.

12th. After doing what business I could in the morning, it being a
solemn fast-day
["A form of Common Prayer; together with an order for fasting for the
averting of God's heavy visitation upon many places of this realm. The
fast to be observed within the cities of London and Westminster and

places adjacent, on Wednesday the twelfth of this instant July, and both
there and in all parts of this realm on the first Wednesday in every
month during the visitation" ("Calendar of State Papers," Domestic,
1664-65, p. 466).]
for the plague growing upon us, I took boat and down to Deptford,
where I stood with great pleasure an houre or two by my Lady
Sandwich's bedside, talking to her (she lying prettily in bed) of my
Lady Jemimah's being from my Lady Pickering's when our letters come
to that place; she being at my Lord Montagu's, at Boughton. The truth
is, I had received letters of it two days ago, but had dropped them, and
was in a very extraordinary straite what to do for them, or what account
to give my Lady, but sent to every place; I sent to Moreclacke, where I
had been the night before, and there they were found, which with
mighty joy come safe to me; but all ending with satisfaction to my
Lady and me, though I find my Lady Carteret not much pleased with
this delay, and
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