Diary, Jul/Aug 1662 | Page 8

Samuel Pepys
the evening I walked
to the garden and sent for Mr. Turner (who yesterday did give me

occasion of speaking to him about the difference between him and me),
and I told him my whole mind, and how it was in my power to do him a
discourtesy about his place of petty purveyance, and at last did make
him see (I think) that it was his concernment to be friendly to me and
what belongs to me. After speaking my mind to him and he to me, we
walked down and took boat at the Tower and to Deptford, on purpose
to sign and seal a couple of warrants, as justice of peace in Kent,
against one Annis, who is to be tried next Tuesday, at Maidstone
assizes, for stealing some lead out of Woolwich Yard. Going and
coming I did discourse with Mr. Turner about the faults of our
management of the business of our office, of which he is sensible, but I
believe is a very knave. Come home I found a rabbit at the fire, and so
supped well, and so to my journall and to bed.

14th. Up by 4 o'clock and to my arithmetique, and so to my office till 8,
then to Thames Street along with old Mr. Green, among the tarr-men,
and did instruct myself in the nature and prices of tarr, but could not get
Stockholm for the use of the office under L10 15s. per last, which is a
great price. So home, and at noon Dr. T. Pepys came to me, and he and
I to the Exchequer, and so back to dinner, where by chance comes Mr.
Pierce, the chyrurgeon, and then Mr. Battersby, the minister, and then
Mr. Dun, and it happened that I had a haunch of venison boiled, and so
they were very wellcome and merry; but my simple Dr. do talk so like
a fool that I am weary of him. They being gone, to my office again, and
there all the afternoon, and at night home and took a few turns with my
wife in the garden and so to bed. My house being this day almost quite
untiled in order to its rising higher. This night I began to put on my
waistcoat also. I found the pageant in Cornhill taken down, which was
pretty strange.

15th. Up by 4 o'clock, and after doing some business as to settling my
papers at home, I went to my office, and there busy till sitting time. So
at the office all the morning, where J. Southern, Mr. Coventry's clerk,
did offer me a warrant for an officer to sign which I desired, claiming it
for my clerk's duty, which however did trouble me a little to be put
upon it, but I did it. We broke up late, and I to dinner at home, where
my brother Tom and Mr. Cooke came and dined with me, but I could

not be merry for my business, but to my office again after dinner, and
they two and my wife abroad. In the evening comes Mr. Cooper, and I
took him by water on purpose to tell me things belonging to ships,
which was time well spent, and so home again, and my wife came
home and tells me she has been very merry and well pleased with her
walk with them. About bedtime it fell a-raining, and the house being all
open at top, it vexed me; but there was no help for it.

16th. In the morning I found all my ceilings, spoiled with rain last night,
so that I fear they must be all new whited when the work is done. Made
me ready and to my office, and by and by came Mr. Moore to me, and
so I went home and consulted about drawing up a fair state of all my
Lord's accounts, which being settled, he went away, and I fell to
writing of it very neatly, and it was very handsome and concisely done.
At noon to my Lord's with it, but found him at dinner, and some great
company with him, Mr. Edward Montagu and his brother, and Mr.
Coventry, and after dinner he went out with them, and so I lost my
labour; but dined with Mr. Moore and the people below, who after
dinner fell to talk of Portugall rings, and Captain Ferrers offered five or
six to sell, and I seeming to like a ring made of a coco-nutt with a stone
done in it, he did offer and would give it me. By and by we went to Mr.
Creed's lodging, and there got a dish or two of sweetmeats, and I seeing
a very neat leaden standish to carry papers, pen, and
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