Diary, February 1666/67 | Page 9

Samuel Pepys
him to go on. This
being Sir W. Pen's clerk he took it in snuff, and so hot they grew upon
it that my Lord Bruncker left the office. He gone (Sir) W. Pen ranted
like a devil, saying that nothing but ignorance could do this. I was
pleased at heart all this while. At last moved to have Lord Bruncker
desired to return, which he did, and I read the petty warrants all the day
till late at night, that I was very weary, and troubled to have my private
business of my office stopped to attend this, but mightily pleased at this
falling out, and the truth is [Sir] W. Pen do make so much noise in this
business of his, and do it so little and so ill, that I think the King will be
little the better by changing the hand. So up and to my office a little,
but being at it all day I could not do much there. So home and to supper,
to teach Barker to sing another piece of my song, and then to bed.

9th. To the office, where we sat all the morning busy. At noon home to
dinner, and then to my office again, where also busy, very busy late,
and then went home and read a piece of a play, "Every Man in his
Humour,"-- [Ben Jonson's well-known play.]--wherein is the greatest
propriety of speech that ever I read in my life: and so to bed. This noon
come my wife's watchmaker, and received L12 of me for her watch;
but Captain Rolt coming to speak with me about a little business, he did
judge of the work to be very good work, and so I am well contented,
and he hath made very good, that I knew, to Sir W. Pen and Lady

10th (Lord's day). Up and with my wife to church, where Mr. Mills
made an unnecessary sermon upon Original Sin, neither understood by
himself nor the people. Home, where Michell and his wife, and also
there come Mr. Carter, my old acquaintance of Magdalene College,

who hath not been here of many years. He hath spent his time in the
North with the Bishop of Carlisle much. He is grown a very comely
person, and of good discourse, and one that I like very much. We had
much talk of our old acquaintance of the College, concerning their
various fortunes; wherein, to my joy, I met not with any that have sped
better than myself. After dinner he went away, and awhile after them
Michell and his wife, whom I love mightily, and then I to my chamber
there to my Tangier accounts, which I had let run a little behind hand,
but did settle them very well to my satisfaction, but it cost me sitting up
till two in the morning, and the longer by reason that our neighbour,
Mrs. Turner, poor woman, did come to take her leave of us, she being
to quit her house to-morrow to my Lord Bruncker, who hath used her
very unhandsomely. She is going to lodgings, and do tell me very odde
stories how Mrs. Williams do receive the applications of people, and
hath presents, and she is the hand that receives all, while my Lord
Bruncker do the business, which will shortly come to be loud talk if she
continues here, I do foresee, and bring my Lord no great credit. So
having done all my business, to bed.

11th. Up, and by water to the Temple, and thence to Sir Ph. Warwicke's
about my Tangier warrant for tallies, and there met my Lord Bellasses
and Creed, and discoursed about our business of money, but we are
defeated as to any hopes of getting [any] thing upon the Poll Bill,
which I seem but not much troubled at, it not concerning me much.
Thence with Creed to Westminster Hall, and there up and down, and
heard that Prince Rupert is still better and better; and that he did tell Dr.
Troutbecke expressly that my Lord Sandwich is ordered home. I hear,
too, that Prince Rupert hath begged the having of all the stolen
prize-goods which he can find, and that he is looking out anew after
them, which at first troubled me; but I do see it cannot come to
anything, but is done by Hayes, or some of his little people about him.
Here, among other newes, I bought the King's speech at proroguing the
House the other day, wherein are some words which cannot but import
some prospect of a peace, which God send us! After walking a good
while in the Hall, it being Term time, I home by water, calling at
Michell's and giving him a fair
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