Diary, Feb 1659/60 | Page 7

Samuel Pepys
of beat, now and then a single stroke, which my wife and I
wondered at, what the meaning of it should be. This afternoon at
church I saw Dick Cumberland newly come out of the country from his
living, but did not speak to him.

6th. Before I went to my office I went to Mr. Crew's and paid Mr.
Andrews the same L60 that he had received of Mr. Calthrop the last
week. So back to Westminster and walked with him thither, where we
found the soldiers all set in the Palace Yard, to make way for General
Monk to come to the House. At the Hall we parted, and meeting Swan,
he and I to the Swan and drank our morning draft. So back again to the
Hall, where I stood upon the steps and saw Monk go by, he making
observance to the judges as he went along. At noon my father dined
with me upon my turkey that was brought from Denmark, and after
dinner he and I to the Bull Head Tavern, where we drank half a pint of
wine and so parted. I to Mrs. Ann, and Mrs. Jem being gone out of the
chamber she and I had a very high bout, I rattled her up, she being in
her bed, but she becoming more cool, we parted pretty good friends.
Thence I went to Will's, where I staid at cards till 10 o'clock, losing half
a crown, and so home to bed.

7th. In the morning I went early to give Mr. Hawly notice of my being
forced to go into London, but he having also business we left our office
business to Mr. Spicer and he and I walked as far as the Temple, where
I halted a little and then went to Paul's School, but it being too soon,
went and drank my morning draft with my cozen Tom Pepys the turner,
and saw his house and shop, thence to school, where he that made the
speech for the seventh form in praise of the founder, did show a book
which Mr. Crumlum had lately got, which is believed to be of the
Founder's own writing. After all the speeches, in which my brother
John came off as well as any of the rest, I went straight home and dined,
then to the Hall, where in the Palace I saw Monk's soldiers abuse

Billing and all the Quakers, that were at a meeting-place there, and
indeed the soldiers did use them very roughly and were to blame.
["Fox, or some other 'weighty' friend, on hearing of this, complained to
Monk, who issued the following order, dated March 9th: 'I do require
all officers and soldiers to forbear to disturb peaceable meetings of the
Quakers, they doing nothing prejudicial to the Parliament or the
Commonwealth of England. George Monk.' This order, we are told,
had an excellent effect on the soldiers."--A. C. Bickley's 'George Fox
and the Early Quakers, London, 1884, p. 179. The Quakers were at this
time just coming into notice. The first preaching of George Fox, the
founder, was in 1648, and in 1655 the preachers of the sect numbered
seventy-three. Fox computed that there were seldom less than a
thousand quakers in prison. The statute 13 and 14 Car. II. cap. i. (1662)
was "An act for preventing the mischiefs and dangers that may arise by
certain persons called quakers and others, refusing to take lawful
oaths." Billing is mentioned again on July 22nd, 1667, when he
addressed Pepys in Westminster Hall.]
So after drinking with Mr. Spicer, who had received L600 for me this
morning, I went to Capt. Stone and with him by coach to the Temple
Gardens (all the way talking of the disease of the stone), where we met
Mr. Squib, but would do nothing till to-morrow morning. Thence back
on foot home, where I found a letter from my Lord in character [private
cryptic code D.W.], which I construed, and after my wife had shewn
me some ribbon and shoes that she had taken out of a box of Mr.
Montagu's which formerly Mr. Kipps had left here when his master was
at sea, I went to Mr. Crew and advised with him about it, it being
concerning my Lord's coming up to Town, which he desires upon my
advice the last week in my letter. Thence calling upon Mrs. Ann I went
home, and wrote in character to my Lord in answer to his letter. This
day Mr. Crew told me that my Lord St. John is for a free Parliament,
and that he is very great with Monk, who hath now the absolute
command and power to do any thing that he hath a mind to do. Mr.
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