Diary, 1661 N.S. Complete | Page 7

Samuel Pepys
was cut, and so there was
two queens, my wife and Mrs. Ward; and the King being lost, they
chose the Doctor to be King, so we made him send for some wine, and
then home, and in our way home we were in many places strictly
examined, more than in the worst of times, there being great fears of
these Fanatiques rising again: for the present I do not hear that any of
them are taken. Home, it being a clear moonshine and after 12 o'clock
at night. Being come home we found that my people had been very
merry, and my wife tells me afterwards that she had heard that they had
got young Davis and some other neighbours with them to be merry, but
no harm.
8th. My wife and I lay very long in bed to-day talking and pleasing one
another in discourse. Being up, Mr. Warren came, and he and I agreed
for the deals that my Lord is to, have. Then Will and I to Westminster,
where I dined with my Lady. After dinner I took my Lord
Hinchinbroke and Mr. Sidney to the Theatre, and shewed them "The
Widdow," an indifferent good play, but wronged by the women being
to seek in their parts. That being done, my Lord's coach waited for us,
and so back to my Lady's, where she made me drink of some Florence
wine, and did give me two bottles for my wife. From thence walked to
my cozen Stradwick's, and there chose a small banquet and some other
things against our entertainment on Thursday next. Thence to Tom
Pepys and bought a dozen of trenchers, and so home. Some talk to-day
of a head of Fanatiques that do appear about Barnett, but I do not
believe it. However, my Lord Mayor, Sir Richd. Browne, hath carried
himself very honourably, and hath caused one of their meeting-houses
in London to be pulled down.
9th. Waked in the morning about six o'clock, by people running up and
down in Mr. Davis's house, talking that the Fanatiques were up in arms
in the City. And so I rose and went forth; where in the street I found
every body in arms at the doors. So I returned (though with no good
courage at all, but that I might not seem to be afeared), and got my

sword and pistol, which, however, I had no powder to charge; and went
to the door, where I found Sir R. Ford, and with him I walked up and
down as far as the Exchange, and there I left him. In our way, the
streets full of Train-band, and great stories, what mischief these rogues
have done; and I think near a dozen have been killed this morning on
both sides. Seeing the city in this condition, the shops shut, and all
things in trouble, I went home and sat, it being office day, till noon. So
home, and dined at home, my father with me, and after dinner he would
needs have me go to my uncle Wight's (where I have been so long
absent that I am ashamed to go). I found him at home and his wife, and
I can see they have taken my absence ill, but all things are past and we
good friends, and here I sat with my aunt till it was late, my uncle
going forth about business. My aunt being very fearful to be alone. So
home to my lute till late, and then to bed, there being strict guards all
night in the City, though most of the enemies, they say, are killed or
taken. This morning my wife and Pall went forth early, and I staid
10th. There comes Mr. Hawley to me and brings me my money for the
quarter of a year's salary of my place under Downing that I was at sea.
So I did give him half, whereof he did in his nobleness give the odd 5s,
to my Jane. So we both went forth (calling first to see how Sir W. Pen
do, whom I found very ill), and at the Hoop by the bridge we drank two
pints of wormwood and sack. Talking of his wooing afresh of Mrs.
Lane, and of his going to serve the Bishop of London. Thence by water
to Whitehall, and found my wife at Mrs. Hunt's. Leaving her to dine
there, I went and dined with my Lady, and staid to talk a while with her.
After dinner Will. comes to tell me that he had presented my piece of
plate to Mr. Coventry, who takes it very kindly, and sends me a very
kind letter, and the plate back again; of which my heart is very glad. So
to Mrs. Hunt,
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