Derues | Page 8

Alexandre Dumas, père
Lord are true and righteous
altogether,'" Derues promptly replied. This exchange of quotations
from Scripture might have lasted for hours without his being at a loss,
had the abbe thought fit to continue in this strain; but such a style of
conversation, garnished with grave and solemn words, seemed almost
sacrilegious in the mouth of a man of such ridiculous appearance--a
profanation at once sad and grotesque. Derues seemed to comprehend
the impression it produced, and tuning again to Madame Legrand, he
"We have got a long way from what I came to ask you, my kind friend.
I was so ill that I went early to bed, but I cannot sleep, and I have no

fire. Would you have the kindness to have this egg mulled for me?"
"Cannot your servant do that for you?" asked Madame Legrand.
"I gave her leave to go out this evening, and though it is late she has not
yet returned. If I had a fire, I would not give you so much trouble, but I
do not care to light one at this hour. You know I am always afraid of
accidents, and they so easily happen!"
"Very well, then," replied Madame Legrand; "go back to your room,
and my servant will bring it to you."
"Thank you," said Derues, bowing,--"many thanks."
As he turned to depart, Madame Legrand spoke again.
"This day week, Derues, you have to pay me half the twelve hundred
livres due for the purchase of my business."
"So soon as that?"
"Certainly, and I want the money. Have you forgotten the date, then?"
"Oh dear, I have never looked at the agreement since it was drawn up. I
did not think the time was so near, it is the fault of my bad memory; but
I will contrive to pay you, although trade is very bad, and in three days
I shall have to pay more than fifteen thousand livres to different
He bowed again and departed, apparently exhausted by the effort of
sustaining so long a conversation.
As soon as they were alone, the abbe exclaimed--
"That man is assuredly an utter rascal! May God forgive him his
hypocrisy! How is it possible we could allow him to deceive us for so
"But, my father," interposed one of the visitors, "are you really sure of
what you have just said?"
"I am not now speaking of the seventy-nine Louis d'or which have been
stolen from me, although I never mentioned to anyone but you, and he
was then present, that I possessed such a sum, and although that very
day he made a false excuse for coming to my rooms when I was out.
Theft is indeed infamous, but slander is not less so, and he has
slandered you disgracefully. Yes, he has spread a report that you,
Madame Legrand, you, his former mistress and benefactress, have put
temptation in his way, and desired to commit carnal sin with him. This
is now whispered the neighbourhood all round us, it will soon be said
aloud, and we have been so completely his dupes, we have helped him

so much to acquire a reputation for uprightness, that it would now be
impossible to destroy our own work; if I were to accuse him of theft,
and you charged him with lying, probably neither of us would be
believed. Beware, these odious tales have not been spread without a
reason. Now that your eyes are open, beware of him."
"Yes," replied Madame Legrand, "my brother-in-law warned me three
years ago. One day Derues said to my sister-in-law,--I remember the
words. perfectly,--'I should like to be a druggist, because one would
always be able to punish an enemy; and if one has a quarrel with
anyone it would be easy to get rid of him by means of a poisoned
draught.' I neglected these warnings. I surmounted the feeling of
repugnance I first felt at the sight of him; I have responded to his
advances, and I greatly fear I may have cause to repent it. But you
know him as well as I do, who would not have thought his piety
sincere?--who would not still think so? And notwithstanding all you
have said, I still hesitate to feel serious alarm; I am unwilling to believe
in such utter depravity."
The conversation continued in this strain for some time, and then, as it
was getting late, the party separated.
Next morning early, a large and noisy crowd was assembled in the rue
Saint-Victor before Derues' shop of drugs and groceries. There was a
confusion of cross questions, of inquiries which obtained no answer, of
answers not addressed to the inquiry, a medley of sound, a pell-mell of
unconnected words, of affirmations, contradictions, and interrupted
narrations. Here, a group
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