Deirdre of the Sorrows | Page 4

J.M. Synge
CONCHUBOR -- taking a triumphant tone. -- It is my pleasure to have
you, and I a man is waiting a long while on the throne of Ulster.
Wouldn't you liefer be my comrade, growing up the like of Emer and
Maeve, than to be in this place and you a child always?
DEIRDRE. You don't know me and you'd have little joy taking me,
Conchubor. . . . I'm a long while watching the days getting a great
speed passing me by. I'm too long taking my will, and it's that way I'll
be living always.
CONCHUBOR -- dryly. -- Call Fergus to come with me. This is your
last night upon Slieve Fuadh.
DEIRDRE -- now pleadingly. -- Leave me a short space longer,
Conchubor. Isn't it a poor thing I should be hastened away, when all
these troubles are foretold? Leave me a year, Conchubor; it isn't much
I'm asking.
CONCHUBOR. It's much to have me two score and two weeks waiting
for your voice in Emain, and you in this place growing lonesome and
shy. I'm a ripe man and in great love, and yet, Deirdre, I'm the King of
Ulster. (He gets up.) I'll call Fergus, and we'll make Emain ready in the

[He goes towards door on left.
DEIRDRE -- clinging to him. -- Do not call him, Conchubor. . . .
Promise me a year of quiet. . . . It's one year I'm asking only.
CONCHUBOR. You'd be asking a year next year, and the years that
follow. (Calling.) Fergus! Fergus! (To Deirdre.) Young girls are slow
always; it is their lovers that must say the word. (Calling.) Fergus!
[Deirdre springs away from him as Fergus comes in with Lavarcham
and the Old Woman.
CONCHUBOR -- to Fergus. -- There is a storm coming, and we'd best
be going to our people when the night is young.
FERGUS -- cheerfully. -- The gods shield you, Deirdre. (To
Conchubor.) We're late already, and it's no work the High King to be
slipping on stepping-stones and hilly pathways when the floods are
rising with the rain.
[He helps Conchubor into his cloak.
CONCHUBOR -- glad that he has made his decision -- to Lavarcham.
-- Keep your rules a few days longer, and you'll be brought down to
Emain, you and Deirdre with you.
LAVARCHAM -- obediently. -- Your rules are kept always.
CONCHUBOR. The gods shield you.
[He goes out with Fergus. Old Woman bolts door.
LAVARCHAM -- looking at Deirdre, who has covered her face. --
Wasn't I saying you'd do it? You've brought your marriage a sight
nearer not heeding those are wiser than yourself.
DEIRDRE -- with agitation. -- It wasn't I did it. Will you take me from
this place, Lavarcham, and keep me safe in the hills?

LAVARCHAM. He'd have us tracked in the half of a day, and then
you'd be his queen in spite of you, and I and mine would be destroyed
for ever.
DEIRDRE -- terrified with the reality that is before her. -- Are there
none can go against Conchubor?
LAVARCHAM. Maeve of Connaught only, and those that are her like.
DEIRDRE. Would Fergus go against him?
LAVARCHAM. He would, maybe, and his temper roused.
DEIRDRE -- in a lower voice with sudden excitement. -- Would Naisi
and his brothers?
LAVARCHAM -- impatiently. -- Let you not be dwelling on Naisi and
his brothers. . . . In the end of all there is none can go against
Conchubor, and it's folly that we're talking, for if any went against
Conchubor it's sorrow he'd earn and the shortening of his day of life.
[She turns away, and Deirdre stands up stiff with excitement and goes
and looks out of the window.
DEIRDRE. Are the stepping-stones flooding, Lavarcham? Will the
night be stormy in the hills?
LAVARCHAM -- looking at her curiously. The stepping-stones are
flooding, surely, and the night will be the worst, I'm thinking, we've
seen these years gone by.
DEIRDRE -- tearing open the press and pulling out clothes and
tapestries. -- Lay these mats and hangings by the windows, and at the
tables for our feet, and take out the skillets of silver, and the golden
cups we have, and our two flasks of wine.
LAVARCHAM. What ails you?
DEIRDRE -- gathering up a dress. -- Lay them out quickly, Lavarcham,

we've no call dawdling this night. Lay them out quickly; I'm going into
the room to put on the rich dresses and jewels have been sent from
LAVARCHAM. Putting on dresses at this hour, and it dark and
drenching with the weight of rain! Are you away in your head?
DEIRDRE -- gathering her things together with an outburst of
excitement. -- I will dress like Emer in Dundealgan,
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