Deep Waters | Page 4

W.W. Jacobs
you got there?"
Sam nearly fell off the bed with surprise and temper. Then 'e hid the locket in his 'and and blew out the candle.
"Who gave it to you?" ses Ginger.
"You get off to sleep, and mind your own bisness," ses Sam, grinding 'is teeth.
He got back into bed agin and laid there listening to Ginger waking up Peter. Peter woke up disagreeable, but when Ginger told 'im that Sam 'ad stole a gold locket as big as a saucer, covered with diamonds, he altered 'is mind.
"Let's 'ave a look at it," he ses, sitting up.
"Ginger's dreaming," ses Sam, in a shaky voice. "I ain't got no locket. Wot d'you think I want a locket for?"
Ginger got out o' bed and lit the candle agin. "Come on!" he ses, "let's 'ave a look at it. I wasn't dreaming. I've been awake all the time, watching you."
Sam shut 'is eyes and turned his back to them.
"He's gone to sleep, pore old chap," ses Ginger. "We'll 'ave a look at it without waking 'im. You take that side, Peter! Mind you don't disturb 'im."
He put his 'and in under the bed-clo'es and felt all up and down Sam's back, very careful. Sam stood it for 'arf a minute, and then 'e sat up in bed and behaved more like a windmill than a man.
"Hold his 'ands," ses Ginger.
"Hold 'em yourself," ses Peter, dabbing 'is nose with his shirt-sleeve.
"Well, we're going to see it," ses Ginger, "if we have to make enough noise to rouse the 'ouse. Fust of all we're going to ask you perlite; then we shall get louder and louder. _Show us the locket wot you stole, Sam!_"
"Show--us--the--diamond locket!" ses Peter.
"It's my turn, Peter," ses Ginger. "One, two, three. SHOW--US--TH'----"
"Shut up," ses Sam, trembling all over. "I'll show it to you if you stop your noise."
He put his 'and under his piller, but afore he showed it to 'em he sat up in bed and made 'em a little speech. He said 'e never wanted to see their faces agin as long as he lived, and why Ginger's mother 'adn't put 'im in a pail o' cold water when 'e was born 'e couldn't understand. He said 'e didn't believe that even a mother could love a baby that looked like a cod-fish with red 'air, and as for Peter Russet, 'e believed his mother died of fright.
"That'll do," ses Ginger, as Sam stopped to get 'is breath. "Are you going to show us the locket, or 'ave we got to shout agin?"
Sam swallered something that nearly choked 'im, and then he opened his 'and and showed it to them. Peter told 'im to wave it so as they could see the diamonds flash, and then Ginger waved the candle to see 'ow they looked that way, and pretty near set pore Sam's whiskers on fire.
They didn't leave 'im alone till they knew as much about it as he could tell 'em, and they both of 'em told 'im that if he took a reward of thirty pounds for it, instead of selling it for a 'undred, he was a bigger fool than he looked.
"I shall turn it over in my mind," ses Sam, sucking 'is teeth. "When I want your advice I'll ask you for it."
"We wasn't thinking of you," ses Ginger; "we was thinking of ourselves."
"You!" ses Sam, with a bit of a start. "Wot's it got to do with you?"
"Our share'll be bigger, that's all," ses Ginger.
"Much bigger," ses Peter. "I couldn't dream of letting it go at thirty. It's chucking money away. Why, we might get two 'undred for it. Who knows?"
Sam sat on the edge of 'is bed like a man in a dream, then 'e began to make a noise like a cat with a fish-bone in its throat, and then 'e stood up and let fly.
"Don't stop 'im, Peter," ses Ginger. "Let 'im go on; it'll do him good."
"He's forgot all about that penknife you picked up and went shares in," ses Peter. "I wouldn't be mean for twenty lockets."
"Nor me neither," ses Ginger. "But we won't let 'im be mean--for 'is own sake. We'll 'ave our rights."
"Rights!" ses Sam. "Rights! You didn't find it."
"We always go shares if we find anything," ses Ginger. "Where's your memory, Sam?" "But I didn't find it," ses Sam.
"No, you bought it," ses Peter, "and if you don't go shares we'll split on you--see? Then you can't sell it anyway, and perhaps you won't even get the reward. We can be at Orange Villa as soon as wot you can."
"Sooner," ses Ginger, nodding. "But there's no need to do that. If 'e don't go shares I'll slip round to the police-station fust thing in the morning."
"You know the way there all right," ses Sam, very bitter.
"And we
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