Crayon and Character: Truth Made Clear Through Eye and Ear | Page 4

J. Griswold
The most inexpensive paper for chalk talk work is the kind on which

newspapers are printed. It may be purchased from printing houses,
paper dealers or newspaper offices. A cheap quality of book-paper is
also good, and may be bought from printing houses and paper dealers.
Ordinary light-colored, light-weight manila paper, such as is used for
wrapping, is very satisfactory; it may be procured from paper dealers,
or, if you want but a small quantity, probably any merchant would be
glad to supply you. The lines which you intend to place on it may be
worth infinitely more than the goods he plans to wrap in it.
~~The Chalk.~~
The writer is accustomed to using chalk made by the American Crayon
Company, which can be had at any time from the publishers of this
book, and, doubtless, from other publishers. Ask for "lecture crayons."
A complete price list, together with samples of colors, will be furnished
on request. For general work it is well to have on hand a half dozen
sticks of black and a stick each of green, brown, red, yellow, orange
and blue. The lecture crayons come in two sizes, one measuring one
inch square and three inches long; the other is one-half inch square and
three inches in length. If you choose the larger size, the sticks can,
when advisable, be cut to the smaller size.

The instructions here given are for the beginner. Others will follow
their accustomed methods. In our introduction we make the claim that
any earnest Christian worker, who is capable of addressing an audience
or a Sunday school class can, by the aid of this book, give a helpful
chalk talk.
Your response may be, "But, I can't draw." Listen! The following
instructions will teach you how to do the work without a technical or
practical knowledge of drawing. Let us take up the matter step by step.
When you understand the process, it will be "as easy as falling off a
log," and it won't jolt you half as much.

~~The Method Explained.~~
THE FIRST STEP--Before the time comes to give your talk, attach half
a dozen sheets of your drawing paper to your drawing board, making a
smooth drawing surface. It is well to use thumb tacks for this purpose.
Open the book to page 26, for we will prepare to give the chalk talk
entitled "The Two Faces." The upper picture. Fig. 7, shows the picture
partly finished; the lower picture, Fig. 8, shows how the picture will
look when completed. You will note that the lower picture is cut up
into squares measuring one-fourth of an inch each way.
THE SECOND STEP--By the use of a yardstick and lead pencil, draw
pencil lines on the large sheets of drawing paper, so as to separate the
drawing paper into the same number of squares as there are on the
picture in the book. Your paper is much larger than the page of the
book; therefore the squares on your drawing paper must be made much
larger than the squares in the book. It is easy to calculate the size of the
squares you should draw on the paper. Measure the width of the paper
in inches and divide by sixteen (the number of squares across the
picture in the book), and this will give you the figure representing the
size of the squares you are to draw on the paper. If your drawing paper
is thirty-two inches wide, your squares will measure two inches each
THE THIRD STEP--Select one of the squares in Fig. 8 as a starting
point, and then find the corresponding square on your drawing paper.
Having done this, draw a pencil line on your drawing paper, which will
cross your enlarged squares in just the same places that the line crosses
the small squares in the book. Continue the process until both faces
have been outlined on your paper in the enlarged form. Then, with a
piece of soft rubber, erase all of the straight pencil lines which form the
squares, and the remaining outlines of the two faces will stand out clear
and distinct. Already you will have found that you are more of an artist
than you thought you were! This sheet of paper, with its dim pencil
outlines of the picture, is now ready to be brought before your audience.
You must, however, be sure of one thing: the pencil outlines must be
just plain enough for you to see them without difficulty, but they must

be dimmed with the eraser to such an extent that your audience cannot
see them. Thus you have before you a complete outline of the picture
you are to draw, and, as you speak, you merely trace over these dim
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