Complete Idiots Guide To Amazing Sex | Page 5

Not Available
agent at Willi\
Morris Agency, and his assistant Scott Miller.
Talented artists made amazing contributions to this book. Thanks to Adam\

Hurwitz for his creative, realistic, and sexy illustrations. Thanks to J\
ody Schaeffer
for adding humorous cartoons to these pages. Thanks to Photonica for pro\
photographs for my selection. And thanks to photographer Darryl Estrine \
for his
artistry in the cover photo.

Special gratitude to my friends and family who served as my reading grou\
enhancing my sexually explicit rough drafts. They also provided wonderfu\
distractions from my work with their humor, intelligence, understanding,\
companionship, and love: Jodi Siegel, Edward Sharon, Erica Peters, Marc \
Daniel Kaufman, Paul Levy, Amanda Carlson, Julie Taylor, Paul Nagle, Dr.\
Penziner, Dr. Leah Schaefer, Jason Gutman, Stacey Donovan, Gail Parentea\
Mariette Pathy Allen, Marty Berman, Debbie Paitchel Klein, Jonathan Sieg\
el, Dr.
Morris Siegel, Gertrude Siegel, Aliza Locker, Dr. Laurence Locker, Jeffr\
ey Lind,
and Molly Lind. All of you are amazing!

Page 1
“Yes, yes, yes!” That's what someone might say in the throes of pa\
ssion. Having
amazing sex is the most incredible way to feel pleasure and to feel conn\
ected to
another person. It doesn't matter if you're married or single: If you un\
that sex is meant to be a positive aspect of your life, then you can sta\
rt claiming
the pleasure you deserve, and start saying “Yes!” to amazing sex.
In this part, I'll introduce you to the world of today's sexuality by le\
tting you in on
some facts and debunking some myths. To get the most out of your sex lif\
e, you
need to discover what you want out of your sex life. I'll help you do th\
at by
discussing the connection between sex and love, so that you can figure o\
ut what
you need emotionally to make sex the most satisfying for you. Then, I'll\
help you
identify the very sexy aspects you're aching to find in a compatible sex\
Finally, I'll give you advice on how to talk about sex so that you get w\
hat you
want—but not more than you bargained for.

Page 3
Chapter 1
Sexuality Today
Amazing sex! Wouldn't you love to have it all the time?! Well, you can! \
To help you have
amazing sex, you need sex education. I don't mean that you need a boring\
lecture about how
the sperm fertilizes the egg, like you probably heard in your high schoo\
l health class. There's
much more to sex education than that. The kind of sex ed you'll get from\
this book is about all
the pleasures and variations you can add to your sex life. The more you \
know, the better a lover
you will become.

Sex is not like riding a bike. Sure the same old balancing act that you \
learned as a kid still
works just fine years later when all you have to do is pedal to the stor\
e and back. But when it
comes to sex, it's a whole new balancing act every time you hop on for a\
ride. It's possible to
experience new things every time you do it. So it sure makes sense to le\
arn what all those new
things are, doesn't it, darling? On the metaphorical bike ride of your s\
ex life, it's a good idea to
push hard on the uphill side, glide freely on the downhill side, pop a f\
ew wheelies, and safely
enjoy the ride.

Page 4
Photo by Barnaby Hall
Are You Sex Savvy?
Sex can be surreal, special, and sizzle—or it can be fumbling, phony \
and fizzle. You can
experience all that sex has to offer. But before you starting trying a l\
ot of adventurous sex tricks,
there are some basics that you should master.
Some people think that they know all the ABCs of sex, and that all they \
need to improve their sex
life is instruction about some new exotic sexual positions. But how much\
do you really know
about sex? Find out how sex savvy you are by taking the following sex qu\

Page 5

Page 6
To determine how you did on the quiz, rate yourself according to the fol\
lowing point system:
0–2 correct = You might need training wheels until you learn more. Bu\
t don't worry, learning
about sex will surely be a fun ride.

2–5 correct = You're a little rusty. Get out some lube, rotate that c\
hain, and read the chapters to
answer more about the questions you missed.
6–9 correct = You're already up the hill. With just a bit more sex ed\
ucation, you can sit back and
enjoy the landscape.
10–11 correct = You're a master of sex education. You're ready to lea\
rn some of those fancy
How'd you do on the quiz? Even if you scored 100 percent correct, I bet \
there are some questions
you have about sex that you'd love for me to answer. So read on—I pro\
bably answer them
somewhere in this book.
It is easy to improve your sexuality, if you get good sex education. The\
more you know about
sex, the better
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