Amazing Sex
by Sari Locker
A Division of Macmillan General ReferenceA Pearson Education Macmillan Company
1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019-6785
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Copyright © 1999 by Sari Locker
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Part 1: Say Yes to Amazing Sex1
1 Sexuality Today
Explore the quest for sexual pleasure, so that you can determine all tha\
t you
should be getting out of your sex life.
2 Sexpectations: Understanding Your Sexual Beliefs
Understand how your upbringing, background, and the myths you've heard a\
sex may be blocking your way to finding complete sexual pleasure.
3 Sex with (or Without) Love
Does love affect sex? Do you want to have sex with or without love? Help\
answer these questions.
4 Sexual Compatibility
You can find a lover who is right for you, if you know what to look for,\
and what
makes sex amazing for you.
5 Talking About and Initiating Sex
In order to have better sex, you need to talk about it, and learn how to\
initiate sex
when you want it, and say “no” when you don't.
Part 2: Secrets from Below the Belt
6 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Learn how to get over thinking you are too fat, thin, short, tall, big-b\
reasted, or
flat-chested. You can love your body.
7 His Private Parts
A man's sex organs are more than just a penis and testicles. Understand \
how the
male sex organs work.
8 Her Secret Garden
Uncover the mystery of the G-spot, along with understanding all of a wom\
beautiful sex organs.79
9 It's a Turn-On: Your Sexual Response
From desire to orgasm, find out how your sexual response cycle works.
10 Master of Your Domain
Masturbation is the most fun you can have by yourself. Enjoy playing wit\
h your
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Part 3: Fantastic Foreplay117
11 The Seduction
Sexier surroundings can help get you and your 2lover in the mood for sex\
12 Reach Out and Touch Someone
From massage to hand jobs, masturbating a woman, to mutual masturbation,\
touch can add tons to your sex life.
13 Mouthing Off
Oral sex can be part of foreplay, or it can be the main event. There are\
many oral
variations that can be fun.
Part 4: Positions and Playtime
14 Sexual Positions
You can have fun with a variety of sexual positions. See diagrams of how\
have sex in exotic sexual positions.
15 Pillow Talk
What do you do when sex is “done”? Learn fun afterplay activities,\
besides falling
16 Variety Is the Spice of Sex
How many exotic locations can you think of for having sex? You can make \
more exciting by varying many physical aspects, from thrusting to time t\
o setting.
Part 5: Sexual Adventures
17 Imagine That! Your Sexual Fantasies
Sexual fantasies can be fun, but are your sexual fantasies healthy? How \
do you
know if you should act them out?
18 Sexy Sights and

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