Cluthes Advice to the Ruptured | Page 8

Chas. Cluthe & Sons
by sending us-- as explained farther on-- a little
simple information.
[Sidenote: Distance Makes No Difference]
We can study and understand your case as well with you five to five
thousand or more miles away as we could with you right before us; or
just as well as the best physician could study and diagnose a case of
typhoid or other sickness right at the bedside of the patient.
Our system of attending to people by mail is so exact-- and our
knowledge and skill so great-- that no matter how far away you are we
can fit you correctly with a Cluthe Truss just as surely as a high class
tailor could fit you with a suit of clothes after taking your
measurements himself.
Here we have on file-- in writing-- complete particulars concerning
each of the 290,000 cases we have attended to.
Every case is carefully indexed and ready for instant reference.
Nothing is left to memory or guesswork-- nothing can be overlooked,

nothing forgotten.
Thus your case can be easily and accurately compared with hundreds of
similar cases.
You see we have made mail order fitting and mail order care and
attention a science.
That-- together with the superiority of the Cluthe Truss-- together with
the knowledge and experience gained through attending to thousands of
widely different cases-- gives us a tremendous advantage over your
local druggist or any one else you could go to.
For years our Institute was located in the heart of New York City--
within a short car ride of several million people.
[Sidenote: Our Advantages Over The Drug Store]
And there-- in the course of years-- among the thousands of people who
came in person to be attended to at our Institute, we had in our care
case after case of every kind and condition of rupture ever known.
And all this time we were also attending by mail to cases of all kinds in
all parts of the civilized world.
No druggist-- no truss fitter in any drug store or surgical supply house--
no one else in all America-- ever had such a wonderful opportunity to
learn all the peculiarities of rupture.
Our experience has been so complete that in the last five years we
haven't come across a single case-- either by mail or among those who
came to the Institute-- which presented any peculiarities that we were
not already familiar with.
Yet-- because he has never seen a case like it before-- a case that would
seem simple to us often completely baffles the best of truss fitters in
drug stores, local truss concerns, surgical supply houses, etc.
Now it is only in the largest drug stores, local truss establishments and

surgical instrument houses-- perhaps in only five or six places in a city
like New York or Chicago-- that a special or "expert" truss fitter of any
kind is employed.
So if a comparatively simple case puzzles these "expert" fitters, a man
certainly can't expect much satisfaction at the small drug store, where
whichever clerk that isn't busy-- at best someone with little or no
knowledge at all of rupture-- will undertake to wait on you.
During our long experience, for every person who came to our Institute
we have probably attended to ten others by mail.
And we have proved over and over-- year after year-- that we can give
relief by mail to the man five or five thousand miles away just as well
as to the man who came to our Institute.
[Sidenote: Give Entire Time To Attending Cases By Mail]
So now we have moved our Institute to Bloomfield, N.J.-- only ten
miles from New York City-- a quiet suburb where we can give our
entire time to attending to cases by mail.
For we have found that the great majority of the victims of rupture can't
afford to lay off from work or business long enough to undergo
operation-- the only thing besides the Cluthe Truss which can be
looked upon as a means of relief; we have found that most ruptured
people can't spare the money required for an operation; and that many
of them-- largely because they have been wearing, for years, perhaps,
trusses which have been letting them get worse all the time-- are so
weakened and run down in health that they stand little chance of
recovering from the shock of an operation.
These are the people who are most in need of our truss and most in
need of our skilled care and attention.
And here in Bloomfield we can do more good, give relief to more
people by mail, than we could had we remained in New York.

And here, day after day, we are attending by mail to people in New
York City-- only
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