by ouer-ruling them, and vsing a
peremptorie censure, to frame them to agree to my liking: leauing it
neuerthelesse to each mans iudgement, to controll them as he seeth
cause. If some-where I shew my fansie what I thinke, and that the same
dislike them; I craue pardon, speciallie if by probable reasons or plainer
matter to be produced, they can shew mine errour; vpon knowledge
whereof I shall be readie to reforme it accordinglie. Where I doo begin
the historic from the first inhabitation of this Ile, I looke not to content
ech mans opinion concerning the originall of them that first peopled it,
and no maruell: for in matters so vncerteine, if I cannot sufficientlie
content my selfe (as in deed I cannot) I know not how I should satisfie
others. That which seemeth to me most likelie, I haue noted,
beseeching the learned (as I trust they will) in such points of doubtfull
antiquities to beare with my skill: sith for ought I know, the matter is
not yet decided among the learned, but still they are in controuersie
about it, and as yet Sub iudice lis est. Well, howsoeuer it came first to
be inhabited, likelie it is, that at the first the whole Ile was vnder one
prince and gouernour, though afterwards (and long peraduenture before
the Romans set any foot within it) the monarchie thereof was broken,
euen when the multitude of the inhabitants grew to be great, and
ambition entred amongst them: which hath brought so manie good
policies and states to ruine and decaie.
The Romans hauing once got possession of the continent that faceth
this Ile, could not rest (as it appeareth) till they had brought the same
also vnder their subiection: and the sooner doubtlesse, by reason of the
factions amongst the princes of the land, which the Romans (through
their accustomed skill) could turne verie well to their most aduantage.
They possessed it almost fiue hundreth yeares, and longer might haue
doone, if either their insufferable tyrannie had not taken awaie from
them the loue of the people as well here as else-where; either that their
ciuill discord about the chopping and changing of their emperours had
not so weakened the forces of their empire, that they were not able to
defend the same against the irruption of barbarous nations. But as we
may coniecture by that which is found in histories, about that time, in
which the Romane empire began to decline, this land stood in verie
weake state: being spoiled of the most part of all hir able men, which
were led[1] awaie into forren regions, to supplie the Romane armies;
and likewise (perhaps) of all necessarie armour, weapon, and treasure:
which being perceiued of the Saxons, after they were receiued into the
Ile, to aid the Britons against the Scots and Picts then inuading the
same, ministred to them occasion to attempt the second conquest,
which at length they brought to passe, to the ouerthrow not onelie of
the British dominion, but also to the subuersion of the Christian
religion here in this land: which chanced (às appeareth by Gildas) for
the wicked sins and vnthankefulnesse of the inhabitants towards God,
the cheefe occasions and causes of the transmutations of kingdoms,
Nam propter peccata, regna transmatantur à gente in gentem.
The Saxons obteining possession of the land, gouerned the same, being
diuided into sundrie kingdoms, and hauing once subdued the Britons,
or at the least-wise remooued them out of the most part of the Ile into
od corners and mountaines; fell at diuision among themselues, and
oftentimes with warre pursued ech other, so as no perfect order of
gouernement could be framed, nor the kings grow to any great
puissance, either to mooue warres abroad, or sufficientlie to defend
themselues against forren forces at home: as manifestlie was perceiued;
when the Danes and other the Northeasterne people, being then of great
puissance by sea, began misserablie to afflict this land: at the first
inuading as it were but onelie the coasts and countries lieng neere to the
sea, but afterwards with manie armies they entred into the midle parts
of the land. And although the English people at length came vnder one
king, and by that meanes were the better able to resist the enimies; yet
at length those Danes subdued the whole, and had possession thereof
for a time although not long, but that the crowne returned againe to
those of the Saxon line: till shortlie after, by the insolent dealings of the
gouernours, a diuision was made betwixt the king and his people,
through iust punishment decreed by the prouidence of the Almightie,
determining for their sinnes and contempt of his lawes, to deliuer them
into the hands of a stranger; and therevpon when spite and
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