Chronicles : The Historie of England | Page 3

Raphael Holinshed
remoue the siege: wherevpon they signified their necessitie vnto Brute, who for that he had not power sufficient to fight with the enimies in open field, he ment to giue them a camisado in the night season, and so ordered his businesse, that inforsing a prisoner (named Anacletus whome he had taken in the last battell) to serue his turne, by constreining him to take an oth (which he durst not for conscience sake breake) he found means to encounter with his enimies vpon the aduantage, that he did not onelie ouerthrowe their whole power, but also tooke [Sidenote: Pandrasus taken prisoner.] Pandrasus prisoner, whereby all the trouble was ended: and shortlie after a perfect peace concluded, vpon these conditions following.
[Sidenote: The conditions of the agr��ement betwixt Brute & Pandrasus.] First, that Pandrasus should giue his daughter Innogen vnto Brute in mariage, with a competent summe of gold and siluer for hir dowrie.
Secondlie, to furnish him and his people with a nauie of ships, and to store the same with victuals and all other necessaries.
Thirdlie, that Brute with his people should haue licence to depart the countrie, to s��eke aduentures whither so euer it should please them to direct their course, without let, impeachment, or trouble to be offered anie waies by the Gr��eks.
To all these conditions (bicause they touched not the prerogatiue of his kingdome) Pandrasus did willinglie agr��e, and likewise performed.

* * * * *

_Brute and his wife Innogen arriue in Leogitia, they aske counsell of an oracle where they shall inhabit, he meeteth with a remnant of Troians on the coasts n��ere the shooting downe of the Pyrenine hills into the sea._
Al things being thus brought to passe according to Brutes desire, wind also and wether seruing the purpose, he with his wife Innogen and his people imbarked, and hoising vp sailes departed from the coasts of Grecia. Now after two daies and a nights sailing, they arriued at Leogitia (in some old written bookes of the British historie noted downe Lergetia) an Iland, where they consulted with an oracle. Brute himselfe kn��eling before the idoll, and holding in his right hand a boll prepared for sacrifice full of wine, and the bloud of a white hinde, spake in this maner as here followeth:
Diua potens nemorum, terror syluestribus apris, Cui licet anfractus ire per ?thereos, Infernasq; domos, terrestria iura resolue, Et die quas terras nos habitare velis: Dic certam sedem qua te venerabor in ?uum, Qua tibi virgineis templa dicabo choris.
These verses (as Ponticus Virumnius and others also doo gesse) were written by Gildas Cambrius in his booke intituled _Cambreidos,_ and may thus be Englished:
Thou goddesse that doost rule the woods and forrests gr��ene, And chasest foming boares that fl��e thine awfull sight, Thou that maist passe aloft in airie skies so sh��ene, And walke eke vnder earth in places void of light, Discouer earthlie states, direct our course aright, And shew where we shall dwell, according to thy will, In seates of sure abode, where temples we may dight For virgins that shall sound thy laud with voices shrill.
After this praier and ceremonie done, according to the pagane rite and custome, Brute abiding his answer, fell asl��epe: in which sl��epe appeared to him the said goddesse vttering this answer in the verses following expressed.
Brute, sub occasum solis trans Gallica regna, Insula in oceano est, vndiq; clausa mari, Insula in oceano est, habitata gigantibus olim, Nunc deserta quid��m, gentibus apta tuis: Hanc pete, n��mq; tibi sedes erit ilia perennis, H?c fiet natis altera Troia tuis: H?c de prole tua reges nascentur, & ipsis Totius terr? subditus orbis erit.

Brute, farre by-west beyond the Gallike land is found, An Ile which with the ocean seas inclosed is about, Where giants dwelt sometime, but now is desart ground, Most meet where thou maist plant thy selfe with all thy rout: Make thitherwards with speed, for there thou shalt find out An euerduring seat, and Troie shall rise anew, Vnto thy race, of whom shall kings be borne no dout, That with their mightie power the world shall whole subdew.
After he awaked out of sl��epe, and had called his dreame to remembrance, he first doubted whether it were a verie dreame, or a true vision, the goddes hauing spoken to him with liuelie voice. Wherevpon calling such of his companie vnto him as he thought requisite in such a case, he declared vnto them the whole matter with the circumstances, whereat they greatlie reioising, caused mightie bonfires to be made, in the which they cast wine, milke, and other liquors, with diuers gums and spices of most sweet smell and sauour, as in the pagan religion was accustomed. Which obseruances and ceremonies performed and brought to end, they returned streightwaies to their ships, and as soone as the wind
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