Chronicles : The Historie of England | Page 2

Raphael Holinshed
for it was not lawfull for anie to
take that name vpon him oftener than once in anie one voiage.
Moreouer, Claudius tooke from the Britains their armor and weapons,
and committed the gouernment of them vnto Plautius, commanding
him to endeuour himselfe to subdue the residue.

[Sidenote: _Dion Cassius_] Thus hauing brought vnder a part of
Britaine, and hauing made his abode therin not past a sixtene daies, he
departed and came backe againe to Rome with victorie in the sixt
month after his setting [Sidenote: _Suetonius_] foorth from thence,
giuing after his returne, to his sonne, the surname of Britannicus. This
warre he finished in maner as before is said, in the fourth yéere of his
reigne, which fell in the yéere of the world 4011, after the birth of our
Sauiour 44, and after the building of Rome 797.
* * * * *

_The diuerse opinions and variable reports of writers touching the
partile conquest of this Iland by the Romans, the death of Guiderius_.
There be that write, how Claudius subdued and added to the Romane
empire, the Iles of Orknie situate in the north Ocean beyond Britaine:
which might well be accomplished either by Plautius, or some other his
lieutenant: for Plautius indéed for his noble prowesse and valiant acts
atchieued in Britaine, afterwards triumphed. Titus the sonne of
Vespasian also wan no small praise for deliuering his father out of
danger in his time, being beset with a companie of Britains, which the
said Titus bare downe, and put to flight with great slaughter. Beda
following the authoritie of Suetonius, writeth bréeflie of this matter,
and saith, that Claudius passing ouer into this Ile, to the which neither
before Iulius Cesar, neither after him anie stranger durst come, within
few daies receiued the most part of the countrie into his subiection
without battell or bloudshed.
Gyldas also writing of this reuolting of the Britains, saith thus: "When
information thereof was giuen to the senate, and that hast was made
with a spéedie armie to reuenge the same, there was no warlike nauie
prepared in the sea to fight valiantlie for the defense of the countrie, no
square battell, no right wing, nor anie other prouision appointed on the
shore to be séene, but the backes of the Britains in stead of a shield are

shewed to the persecutors, and their necks readie to be cut off with the
sword through cold feare running through their bones, which stretched
foorth their hands to be bound like womanlie creatures; so that a
common prouerbe followed thereof, to wit, That the Britains were
neither valiant in warre, nor faithfull in peace: and so the Romans
sleaing manie of the rebels, reseruing some, and bringing them to
bondage, that the land should not lie altogither vntilled and desert,
returned into Italie out of that land which was void of wine and oile,
leauing some of their men there for gouernors to chastise the people,
not so much with an armie of men, as with scourge and whip, and if the
matter so required, to applie the naked sword vnto their sides: so that it
might be accounted Rome and not Britaine. And what coine either of
brasse, siluer or gold there was, the same to be stamped with the image
of the emperour." Thus farre Gildas.
[Sidenote: _Gal. Mon. Matth. West._] In the British historie we find
other report as thus, that Claudius at his comming aland at Porchester,
besieged that towne, to the rescue whereof came Guiderius, and giuing
battell to the Romans, put them to the woorse, till at length one Hamo,
being on the Romans side, changed his shield and armour, apparelling
himselfe like a Britaine, and so entring into the thickest prease of the
British host, came at length where the king was, and there slue him. But
Aruiragus perceiuing this mischiefe, to the end the Britains should not
be discouraged therewith, caused himselfe to be adorned with the kings
cote-armor, and other abiliments, and so as king continued the fight
with such manhood, that the Romans were put to flight. Claudius
retired backe to his ships, and Hamo to the next woods, whom
Aruiragus pursued, and at length droue him vnto the sea side, and there
slue him yer he could take the hauen which was there at hand; so that
the same tooke name of him, and was called a long time after, Hamons
hauen, and at length by [Sidenote: Hampton, why so called.] corruption
of speach it was called Hampton, and so continueth vnto this day,
commonlie called by the name of Southhampton. Thus haue you heard
how Guiderius or Guinderius (whether you will) came to his end,
which chanced (as some write) in the 28 yéere of
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