with the kings fléet, so that a great [Sidenote: Alfrike a traitour to his
countrie. _Matth. West._] number of the Londoners were slaine, and all
the kings ships taken: for Alfrike like a traitor turned to the Danes side.
¶ Matt. West, maketh other report of this matter, declaring that Alfrike
in déed being one of the chiefe capteins of the fléet, aduertised them by
forewarning of the danger that was toward them, and that when they
should come to ioining, the same Alfrike like a traitor fled to the Danes,
and after vpon necessitie being put to flight escaped away with them:
but the other capteins of the kings fléet, as Theodred, Elstan, and
Escwen, pursued the Danes, tooke one of their ships, and slue all those
that were found therein. The Londoners also (as the same Matt. West,
saith) met with the nauie of the Danish rouers as they fled away, and
slue a great number, and also tooke the ship of the traitor Alfrike with
his souldiers & armor, but he himselfe escaped, though with much
paine, hauing plaied the like traitorous part once [Sidenote: _Hen.
Hunt._ The son punished for his fathers offense. 993.] before, and yet
was reconciled to the kings fauor againe. Vpon this mischiefe wrought
by the father, the king now tooke his sonne Algar, and caused his eies
to be put out.
About the same time was Bambrough destroied by the Danes, which
arriued after in Humber, and wasted the countrie of Lindsey and
Yorkeshire, on either side that riuer. And when the Englishmen were
assembled to giue them battell, before they ioined, the capteines
[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._ Polydor. _Matth. West._] of the English
armie, Frena, Godwin, and Fredegist, that were Danes by their fathers
side began to flie away, and escaped, so giuing the occasion of the
ouerthrow that lighted on their people. But by some writers it should
appéere, that after the Danes had destroied all the north parts, as they
spred abroad without order and good arraie, the [Sidenote: Aulafe king
of Norway, & Swein king of Denmarke were capteins of this fleet, as
saith _Simon Dun._ 994] people of the countrie fell vpon them, and
slue some of them, and chased the residue. Other of the Danes with a
nauie of 94 ships entered the Thames, and besieged London about our
ladie daie in September. They gaue a verie sore assault to the citie, and
assaied to set it on fire: but the citizens so valiantlie defended
themselues, that the Danes were beaten backe and repelled, greatlie to
their losse, so that they were constreined to depart thence with dishonor.
Then they fell to and wasted the countries of Essex, Kent, Sussex, and
Hamshire, and ceassed not till they had inforced the king to compound
[Sidenote: _Hen Hunt._ _Wil. Malm._ The king compounded with the
Danes for monie. _Matt. West. Simon Dun._ Aufale king of Norwey
baptised. His promise.] with them for 16 thousand pounds, which he
was glad to pay to haue peace with them.
Moreouer, whereas they wintered that yéere at Southampton, the king
procured Aulafe king of the Norwegians to come vnto Andeuer (where
at that time he lay) vpon pledges receiued of the king for his safe
returne. Elphegus bishop of Winchester, and duke Ethelwold were
appointed by king Egelred to bring Aulafe vnto him in most honorable
maner. The same time was Aulafe baptised, king Egelred receiuing him
at the fontstone, and so he promised neuer after to make anie war
within this land. And receiuing great gifts of the king, he returned into
his countrie, and kept his promise faithfullie: but the euils tooke not so
an end, for other of the Danes sprang vp, as they had béene the heads of
the serpent Hydra, some of them euer being readie to trouble the quiet
state of the English nation. [Sidenote: Iohn Leland. _Simon Dun._
About this season, that is to say, in the yéere of our Lord 995, bishop
Aldaine which was fled from Chester in the stréet (otherwise [Sidenote:
The church of Durham builded.] called Cunecester) with the bodie of
saint Cuthbert for feare of the inuasion of Danes, vnto Rippon, brought
the same bodie now vnto Durham, and there began the foundation of a
church; so that the sée of that bishoprike was from thencefoorth there
established, and the woods [Sidenote: Earle Vthred] were there cut
downe, which before that time couered and ouergrew that place,
wherevpon it began first to be inhabited. Earle Vthred, who gouerned
that countrie, greatlie furthered the bishop in this [Sidenote: Durham
town and minster builded.] worke, so that all the people inhabiting
betweene the riuers of Coquid and Theis, came togither to rid the
woods, and to helpe forwards the building of the church
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