Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada | Page 4

Washington Irving
of the Count de Cabra and the Alcayde de los Donceles. XXV........How the Marques of Cadiz concerted to Surprise Zahara, and the Result of his Enterprise. XXVI.......Of the Fortress of Alhama, and how Wisely it was Governed by the Count de Tendilla. XXVII......Foray of Christian Knights into the Territory of the Moors. XXVIII.....Attempt of El Zagal to Surprise Boabdil in Almeria. XXIX.......How King Ferdinand Commenced another Campaign against the Moors, and how he Laid Siege to Coin and Cartama. XXX........Siege of Ronda. XXXI.......How the People of Granada invited El Zagal to the Throne, and how he Marched to the Capital. XXXII......How the Count de Cabra attempted to Capture another King, and how he Fared in his Attempt. XXXIII.....Expedition against the Castles of Cambil and Albahar. XXXIV......Enterprise of the Knights of Calatrava against Zalea. XXXV.......Death of Muley Abul Hassan. XXXVI......Of the Christian Army which Assembled at the City of Cordova. XXXVII.....How Fresh Commotions broke out in Granada, and how the People undertook to Allay them. XXXVIII....How King Ferdinand held a Council of War at the Rock of the Lovers. XXXIX......How the Royal Army appeared Before the City of Loxa, and how it was Received; and of the Doughty Achievements of the English Earl. XL.........Conclusion of the Siege of Loxa. XLI........Capture of Illora. XLII.......Of the Arrival of Queen Isabella at the Camp before Moclin; and of the Pleasant Sayings of the English Earl. XLIII......How King Ferdinand Attacked Moclin, and of the Strange Events that attended its Capture. XLIV.......How King Ferdinand Foraged the Vega; and of the Battle of the Bridge of Pinos, and the Fate of the two Moorish Brothers. XLV........Attempt of El Zagal upon the Life of Boabdil, and how the Latter was Roused to Action. XLVI.......How Boabdil returned Secretly to Granada, and how he was Received.--Second Embassy of Don Juan de Vera, and his Perils in the Alhambra. XLVII......How King Ferdinand laid Siege to Velez Malaga. XLVIII.....How King Ferdinand and his Army were Exposed to Imminent Peril before Velez Malaga. XLIX.......Result of the Stratagem of El Zagal to Surprise King Ferdinand. L..........How the People of Granada Rewarded the Valor of El Zagal. LI.........Surrender of the Velez Malaga and Other Places. LII........Of the City of Malaga and its Inhabitants.--Mission of Hernando del Pulgar. LIII.......Advance of King Ferdinand against Malaga. LIV........Siege of Malaga. LV.........Siege of Malaga continued.--Obstinacy of Hamet el Zegri. LVI........Attack of the Marques of Cadiz upon Gibralfaro. LVII.......Siege of Malaga continued.--Stratagems of Various Kinds. LVIII......Sufferings of the People of Malaga. LIX........How a Moorish Santon Undertook to Deliver the City of Malaga from the Power of its Enemies. LX.........How Hamet el Zegri was Hardened in his Obstinacy by the Arts of a Moorish Astrologer. LXI........Siege of Malaga continued.--Destruction of a Tower by Francisco Ramirez de Madrid. LXII.......How the People of Malaga expostulated with Hamet el Zegri. LXIII......How Hamet el Zegri Sallied forth with the Sacred Banner to Attack the Christian Camp. LXIV.......How the City of Malaga Capitulated. LXV........Fulfilment of the Prophecy of the Dervise.--Fate of Hamet el Zegri. LXVI.......How the Castilian Sovereigns took Possession of the City of Malaga, and how King Ferdinand signalized himself by his Skill in Bargaining with the Inhabitants for their Ransom. LXVII......How King Ferdinand prepared to Carry the War into a Different Part of the Territories of the Moors. LXVIII.....How King Ferdinand Invaded the Eastern Side of the Kingdom of Granada, and how He was Received by El Zagal. LXIX.......How the Moors made Various Enterprises against the Christians. LXX........How King Ferdinand prepared to Besiege the City of Baza, and how the City prepared for Defence. LXXI.......The Battle of the Gardens before Baza. LXXII......Siege of Baza.--Embarrassments of the Army. LXXIII.....Siege of Baza continued.--How King Ferdinand completely Invested the City. LXXIV......Exploit of Hernan Perez del Pulgar and Other Cavaliers. LXXV.......Continuation of the Siege of Baza. LXXVI......How Two Friars from the Holy Land arrived at the Camp. LXXVII.....How Queen Isabella devised Means to Supply the Army with Provisions. LXXVIII....Of the Disasters which Befell the Camp. LXXIX......Encounters between the Christians and Moors before Baza, and the Devotion of the Inhabitants to the Defence of their City. LXXX.......How Queen Isabella arrived at the Camp, and the Consequences of her Arrival. LXXXI......Surrender of Baza. LXXXII.....Submission of El Zagal to the Castilian Sovereigns. LXXXIII....Events at Granada subsequent to the Submission of El Zagal. LXXXIV.....How King Ferdinand turned his Hostilities against the City of Granada. LXXXV......The Fate of the Castle of Roma. LXXXVI.....How Boabdil el Chico took the Field, and his Expedition against Alhendin. LXXXVII....Exploit of the Count de Tendilla. LXXXVIII...Expedition of Boabdil el Chico against Salobrena.--Exploit of Hernan Perez del Pulgar. LXXXIX.....How King Ferdinand Treated the People of Guadix, and how El Zagal Finished his Regal Career. XC.........Preparations of Granada for a Desperate Defence. XCI........How King Ferdinand conducted the Siege cautiously, and how Queen Isabella arrived at the Camp. XCII.......Of the Insolent Defiance
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