Christmas, by Various, Edited by Robert Haven
The Project Gutenberg eBook, Christmas, by Various, Edited by Robert Haven Schauffler
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Title: Christmas Its Origin, Celebration and Significance as Related in Prose and Verse
Author: Various
Editor: Robert Haven Schauffler
Release Date: July 25, 2006 [eBook #18908]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
E-text prepared by David Starner, Jeffrey Johnson, and the Project Gutenberg Online Distributed Proofreading Team (
Transcriber's conventions used in the preparation of this e-text:
Carets (^) indicate superscripts.
"* * * * *" is used as a divider between entries, and " - - - - -" as an internal divider within entries.
A detailed transcriber's note is at the end of the text.
Our American Holidays
Edited by
Robert Haven Schauffler
and Others
A series of anthologies for the use of students and teachers in schools and colleges; consisting of the best verse, plays, stories, addresses, special articles, orations, etc. Applicable to the holidays listed as follows:
CHRISTMAS..........................December 25th DEMOCRACY DAYS.................................... EASTER............................March or April GOOD WILL DAYS.................................... HALLOWE'EN..........................October 31st INDEPENDENCE DAY........................July 4th LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY.................February 12th THE MAGIC OF BOOKS.....................Book Week THE MAGIC OF MUSIC....................Music Week MEMORIAL DAY............................May 30th MOTHER'S DAY................Second Sunday in May PAN-AMERICAN DAY......................April 14th PEACE DAYS........................................ ROOSEVELT DAY.......................October 27th THANKSGIVING...........Last Thursday in November WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY..............February 22nd
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Our American Holidays
Its Origin, Celebration and Significance As Related in Prose and Verse
Edited by
New York Dodd, Mead and Company 1968
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Copyright 1907 by Dodd, Mead & Company
* * * * *
Is There a Santa Claus?............... F.P. Church O Little Town of Bethlehem............ Phillips Brooks The Glad Evangel...................... Kate Douglas Wiggin The Shepherds......................... William Drummond A Christmas Carol..................... James Russell Lowell A Christmas Hymn...................... Alfred Domett Sons of the Morning................... Reginald Heber God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen.......... Dinah Maria Mulock The Christmas Silence................. Margaret Deland A Christmas Lullaby................... John Addington Symonds Hymn for the Nativity................. Edward Thring Masters in this Hall................... Anonymous The Adoration of the Wise Men......... Cecil Frances Alexander The Shepherds in Judea................ Mary Austin Christmas Carol....................... James S. Park Neighbors of the Christ Night......... Nora Archibald Smith Cradle Hymn........................... Isaac Watts An Ode on the Birth of Our Saviour.... Robert Herrick Christmas Song........................ Edmund Hamilton Sears A Hymn on the Nativity of My Saviour.. Ben Jonson The Shepherd's Song................... Edmund Bolton A Christmas Carol..................... Aubrey de Vere A Christmas Hymn...................... Anon Christmas Day......................... Charles Wesley Christmas............................. Anonymous Christmas............................. Nahum Tate "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night"............. Margaret Deland Colonial Christmases.................. Alice Morse Earle The Angels............................ William Drummond Hymn for Christmas.................... Felicia Hemans New Prince, New Pomp.................. Robert Southwell The Three Kings....................... Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Hymn on the Nativity.................. John Milton
Christmas Eve at Mr. Wardle's......... Charles Dickens A Visit from St. Nicholas............. Clement C. Moore A Christmas Piece..................... Fred S. Cozzens Wassailer's Song...................... Robert Southwell Christmas Eve......................... Hamilton Wright Mabie Christmas In The Olden Time........... Walter Scott Sly Santa Claus....................... Mrs. C.S. Stone The Waits............................. Margaret Deland The Knighting of the Sirloin.......... Anonymous The Christmas Goose at the Cratchits'. Charles Dickens God Bless Us Every One................ James Whitcomb Riley Bells Across the Snow................. Frances Ridley Havergal Christmas Bells....................... Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Minstrels and Maids................... William Morris Inexhaustibility of the Subject of Christmas................ Leigh Hunt Song of the Holly..................... William Shakespeare Under the Holly-Bough................. Charles Mackay Ceremonies for Christmas.............. Robert Herrick Santa Claus........................... Anonymous The Ceremonies for Christmas Day...... Robert Herrick December.............................. Harriet F. Blodgett The Festival of St. Nicholas.......... Mary Mapes Dodge The Christmas Holly................... Eliza Cook To the Fir-Tree....................... From the German The Mahogany-Tree..................... William Makepeace Thackeray Christmas............................. Washington Irving Church Decking at Christmas........... William Wordsworth So, Now is Come Our Joyful'st Feast... George Wither Fairy Faces........................... Anonymous Merry Christmas....................... Anonymous A Merry Christmas to You.............. Theodore Ledyard Cuyler Christmas Bells....................... Anonymous The Birth of Christ................... Alfred Tennyson The Christmas Carol................... William Wordsworth Christmas at Fezziwig's Warehouse..... Charles Dickens Christmas Bells....................... John Keble
A Christmas Carmen.................... John G. Whittier The Spirit Of Christmas............... Charles Dickens On Good Wishes at Christmas........... Friswell A Christmas Song...................... William Cox Bennett Sery.................................. Richard Watson Gilder A Christmas Song...................... Tudor Jenks Christmas............................. Alexander Smith Christmas Carol....................... Phillips Brooks The End of the Play................... William Makepeace Thackeray Christ's Nativity..................... Henry Vaughan Christmas Dreams...................... Christopher North Keeping Christmas..................... Henry Van Dyke Mark Well My Heavy, Doleful Tale...... Anonymous A Christmas Carol..................... Christina G. Rossetti The Glorious Song of Old.............. Edmund H. Sears A Christmas Carol for Children........ Martin Luther On Santa Claus........................ George A. Baker, Jr. A Christmas Carol..................... Josiah Gilbert Holland An Offertory.......................... Mary Mapes Dodge Christmas Song........................ Lydia A.C. Ward A Christmas Carol..................... Christian Burke A Simple Bill

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