Christie, the Kings Servant | Page 5

Mrs O.F. Walton
was no other furniture, and, indeed, there was room for no
other, and the room was unadorned except by three or four funeral
cards in dismal black frames, which were hanging at different heights
on the wall opposite the bed. But the square casement window was
thrown wide open, and the pure sea air filled the little room, and the
coarse white coverings of the bed were spotless, and, indeed, the whole
place looked and felt both fresh and clean.

'You'll pardon me, sir,' said Duncan, 'for asking you to look at such a
poor place.'
'But I like it, Duncan,' I answered, 'and I like you, and I like your wife,
and if you will have me as a lodger, I am willing and glad to stay.'
The terms were soon agreed upon to the satisfaction of both parties, and
then all things being settled, Polly went to put little John to bed whilst I
went with Duncan to see his boat.
It was an old boat, and it had been his father's before him, and it had
weathered many a storm; but it was the dream of Duncan's life to buy a
new one, and he and Polly had nearly saved up money enough for it.
'That's why me and the missus is glad to get a lodger now and again,' he
said; 'it all goes to the boat, every penny of it. We mean to call her The
Little John. He's going in her the very first voyage she takes; he is
indeed, sir, for he'll be her captain one day, please God, little John will.'
It was a calm, beautiful evening; the sea was like a sheet of glass.
Hardly a ripple was breaking on the shore. The sun was setting behind
the cliff, and the fishing village would soon be in darkness. The
fishermen were leaving their cottages and were making for the shore.
Already some of the boats were launched, and the men were throwing
in their nets and fishing-tackle, and were pulling out to sea. I enjoyed
watching my new friend making his preparations. His three mates
brought out the nets, and he gave his orders with a tone of command.
He was the owner and the captain of the Mary Ann, and the rest were
accustomed to do his bidding.
When all were on board, Duncan himself jumped in and gave the word
to push from shore. He nodded to me and bid me good-night, and when
he was a little way from shore, I saw him stand up in the boat and wave
his oil-skin cap to some one above me on the cliff.
I looked up, and saw Polly standing on the rock overhanging the shore
with little John in his white nightgown in her arms. He was waving his
red cap to his father, and continued to do so till the boat was out of

Chapter III
I slept well in my strange little bedroom, although I was awakened
early by the sunlight streaming in at the window. I jumped up and
looked out. The sun was rising over the sea, and a flood of golden light
was streaming across it.
I dressed quickly and went out. Very few people were about, for the
fishermen had not yet returned from their night's fishing. The cliff
looked even more beautiful than the night before, for every bit of
colouring stood out clear and distinct in the sunshine. 'I shall get my
best effects in the morning,' I said to myself, 'and I had better choose
my subject at once, so that after breakfast I may be able to begin
without delay.'
How many steps I went up, and how many I went down, before I came
to a decision, it would be impossible to tell; but at last I found a place
which seemed to me to be the very gem of the whole village. An old
disused boat stood in the foreground, and over this a large fishing net,
covered with floats, was spread to dry. Behind rose the rocks, covered
with tufts of grass, patches of gorse, tall yellow mustard plants and
golden ragwort, and at the top of a steep flight of rock-hewn steps stood
a white cottage with red-tiled roof, the little garden in front of it gay
with hollyhocks and dahlias. A group of barefooted children were
standing by the gate feeding some chickens and ducks, a large dog was
lying asleep at the top of the steps, and a black cat was basking in the
morning sunshine on the low garden wall. It was, to my mind, an
extremely pretty scene, and it made me long to be busy with my brush.
I hurried back to my lodging, and found Polly preparing my
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