Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes | Page 5

Janet MacKenzie Hill
a cup, which is then to be placed in a pan of boiling water.
For two sheets of cake, use three ounces of Walter Baker & Co.'s Premium No. 1 Chocolate, three eggs, one cupful and three-fourths of sifted pastry flour, one cupful and three-fourths of sugar, half a cupful of butter, half a cupful of milk, half a teaspoonful of vanilla extract, one teaspoonful and a half of baking powder.
Grate the chocolate. Beat the butter to a cream, and gradually beat in the sugar. Beat in the milk and vanilla, then the eggs (already well beaten), next the chocolate, and finally the flour, in which the baking powder should be mixed. Pour into two well buttered shallow cake pans. Bake for twenty-five minutes in a moderate oven. Frost or not, as you like.
Put one ounce of Walter Baker & Co.'s Chocolate and one tablespoonful of butter in a cup, and set this in a pan of boiling water. Beat to a cream half a cupful of butter and one cupful of sugar. Gradually beat in half a cupful of milk. Now add the whites of six eggs beaten to a stiff froth, one teaspoonful of vanilla, and a cupful and a half of sifted flour, in which is mixed one teaspoonful of baking powder. Put about one-third of this mixture into another bowl, and stir the melted butter and chocolate into it. Drop the white-and-brown mixture in spoonfuls into a well buttered deep cake pan, and bake in a moderate oven for about forty-five minutes; or, the cake can be baked in a sheet and iced with a chocolate or white icing.
Beat to a cream a generous half cupful of butter, and gradually beat into this one cupful of sugar. Add one ounce of Walter Baker & Co.'s Premium No. 1 Chocolate, melted; also two unbeaten eggs. Beat vigorously for five minutes; then stir in half a cupful of milk, and lastly, one cupful and a half of flour, with which has been mixed one generous teaspoonful of baking powder. Flavor with one teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour into a buttered, shallow cake pan, and bake for half an hour in a moderate oven. When cool, spread with glac�� frosting.
GLAC�� FROSTING. Put half a cupful of sugar and three tablespoonfuls of water in a small saucepan. Stir over the fire until the sugar is nearly melted. Take the spoon from the pan before the sugar really begins to boil, because it would spoil the icing if the syrup were stirred after it begins to boil. After boiling gently for four minutes, add half a teaspoonful of vanilla extract, but do not stir; then set away to cool. When the syrup is about blood warm, beat it with a wooden spoon until thick and white. Now put the saucepan in another with boiling water, and stir until the icing is thin enough to pour. Spread quickly on the cake.
After making a glac�� frosting, dissolve one ounce of Walter Baker & Co.'s Premium No. 1 Chocolate in a cup, and put it with the frosting, adding also a tablespoonful of boiling water.
Cover three large baking pans with paper that has been well oiled with washed butter. Over these dredge powdered sugar. Melt in a cup one ounce of Walter Baker & Co.'s Premium No. 1 Chocolate. Separate the whites and yolks of four eggs. Add to the yolks a generous half cupful of powdered sugar, and beat until light and firm. Add the melted chocolate, and beat a few minutes longer. Beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff, dry froth. Measure out three-fourths of a cupful of sifted flour, and stir it and the whites into the yolks. The whites and flour must be cut in as lightly as possible, and with very little stirring. Drop the mixture in teaspoonfuls on the buttered paper. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the cakes, and bake in a slow oven for about fourteen or fifteen minutes. The mixture can be shaped like lady fingers, if preferred.
Grate four ounces of Walter Baker & Co.'s Premium No. 1 Chocolate, and mix with it two tablespoonfuls of flour and one-fourth of a teaspoonful each of cinnamon, cloves and baking powder. Separate six eggs. Add one cupful of powdered sugar to the yolks, and beat until very light; then add the grated yellow rind and the juice of half a lemon, and beat five minutes longer. Now add the dry mixture, and with a spoon lightly cut in the whites, which are first to be beaten to a stiff froth. Pour the mixture into buttered shallow pans, having it about half an inch thick. Bake in a moderate oven for half an hour. When the cake is cool, spread a thin
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