Chitra, a Play in One Act | Page 5

Rabindranath Tagore
and burnt my arrows in

the fire. I hated my strong, lithe arm, scored by drawing the bowstring.
O Love, god Love, thou hast laid low in the dust the vain pride of my
manlike strength; and all my man's training lies crushed under thy feet.
Now teach me thy lessons; give me the power of the weak and the
weapon of the unarmed hand.
I will be thy friend. I will bring the world-conquering Arjuna a captive
before thee, to accept his rebellion's sentence at thy hand.
Had I but the time needed, I could win his heart by slow degrees, and
ask no help of the gods. I would stand by his side as a comrade, drive
the fierce horses of his war-chariot, attend him in the pleasures of the
chase, keep guard at night at the entrance of his tent, and help him in all
the great duties of a Kshatriya, rescuing the weak, and meting out
justice where it is due. Surely at last the day would have come for him
to look at me and wonder, "What boy is this? Has one of my slaves in a
former life followed me like my good deeds into this?" I am not the
woman who nourishes her despair in lonely silence, feeding it with
nightly tears and covering it with the daily patient smile, a widow from
her birth. The flower of my desire shall never drop into the dust before
it has ripened to fruit. But it is the labour of a life time to make one's
true self known and honoured. Therefore I have come to thy door, thou
world-vanquishing Love, and thou, Vasanta, youthful Lord of the
Seasons, take from my young body this primal injustice, an unattractive
plainness. For a single day make me superbly beautiful, even as
beautiful as was the sudden blooming of love in my heart. Give me but
one brief day of perfect beauty, and I will answer for the days that
Lady, I grant thy prayer.
Not for the short span of a day, but for one whole year the charm of
spring blossoms shall nestle round thy limbs.
WAS I dreaming or was what I saw by the lake truly there? Sitting on
the mossy turf, I mused over bygone years in the sloping shadows of

the evening, when slowly there came out from the folding darkness of
foliage an apparition of beauty in the perfect form of a woman, and
stood on a white slab of stone at the water's brink. It seemed that the
heart of the earth must heave in joy under her bare white feet.
Methought the vague veilings of her body should melt in ecstasy into
air as the golden mist of dawn melts from off the snowy peak of the
eastern hill. She bowed herself above the shining mirror of the lake and
saw the reflection of her face. She started up in awe and stood still; then
smiled, and with a careless sweep of her left arm unloosed her hair and
let it trail on the earth at her feet. She bared her bosom and looked at
her arms, so flawlessly modelled, and instinct with an exquisite caress.
Bending her head she saw the sweet blossoming of her youth and the
tender bloom and blush of her skin. She beamed with a glad surprise.
So, if the white lotus bud on opening her eyes in the morning were to
arch her neck and see her shadow in the water, would she wonder at
herself the livelong day. But a moment after the smile passed from her
face and a shade of sadness crept into her eyes. She bound up her
tresses, drew her veil over her arms, and sighing slowly, walked away
like a beauteous evening fading into the night. To me the supreme
fulfilment of desire seemed to have been revealed in a flash and then to
have vanished. . . . But who is it that pushes the door?
Enter CHITRA, dressed as a woman.
Ah! it is she. Quiet, my heart! . . . Fear me not, lady! I am a Kshatriya.
Honoured sir, you are my guest. I live in this temple. I know not in
what way I can show you hospitality.
Fair lady, the very sight of you is indeed the highest hospitality. If you
will not take it amiss I would ask you a question.
You have permission.
What stern vow keeps you immured in this solitary temple, depriving
all mortals of a vision of so much loveliness?
I harbour a secret desire in my heart, for the fulfilment of which I offer
daily prayers to Lord Shiva.

Alas, what can you
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