China and the Manchus | Page 4

Herbert A. Giles
the Kitans; but being promptly called upon to surrender large tracts of territory, she suddenly entered into an alliance with the N��-ch��ns, who were also ready to revolt, and who sent an army to the assistance of their new friends. The N��-ch��n and Korean armies, acting in concert, inflicted a severe defeat on the Kitans, and from this victory may be dated the beginning of the N��- ch��n power. China had indeed already sent an embassy to the N��-ch��ns, suggesting an alliance and also a combination with Korea, by which means the aggression of the Kitans might easily be checked; but during the eleventh century Korea became alienated from the N��-ch��ns, and even went so far as to advise China to join with the Kitans in crushing the N��-ch��ns. China, no doubt, would have been glad to get rid of both these troublesome neighbours, especially the Kitans, who were gradually filching territory from the empire, and driving the Chinese out of the southern portion of the province of Chihli.
For a long period China weakly allowed herself to be blackmailed by the Kitans, who, in return for a large money subsidy and valuable supplies of silk, forwarded a quite insignificant amount of local produce, which was called "tribute" by the Chinese court.
Early in the twelfth century, the Kitan monarch paid a visit to the Sungari River, for the purpose of fishing, and was duly received by the chiefs of the N��-ch��n tribes in that district. On this occasion the Kitan Emperor, who had taken perhaps more liquor than was good for him, ordered the younger men of the company to get up and dance before him. This command was ignored by the son of one of the chiefs, named Akut��ng (sometimes, but wrongly, written /Akuta/), and it was suggested to the Emperor that he should devise means for putting out of the way so uncompromising a spirit. No notice, however, was taken of the affair at the moment; and that night Akut��ng, with a band of followers, disappeared from the scene. Making his way eastward, across the Sungari, he started a movement which may be said to have culminated five hundred years later in the conquest of China by the Manchus. In 1114 he began to act on the offensive, and succeeded in inflicting a severe defeat on the Kitans. By 1115 he had so far advanced towards the foundation of an independent kingdom that he actually assumed the title of Emperor. Thus was presented the rare spectacle of three contemporary rulers, each of whom claimed a title which, according to the Chinese theory, could only belong to one. The style he chose for his dynasty was Chin (also read /Kin/), which means "gold," and which some say was intended to mark a superiority over Liao (= iron), that of the Kitans, on the ground that gold is not, like iron, a prey to rust. Others, however, trace the origin of the term to the fact that gold was found in the N��-ch��n territory.
A small point which has given rise to some confusion, may fitly be mentioned here. The tribe of Tartars hitherto spoken of as N��-ch��ns, and henceforth known in history as the "Golden Dynasty," in 1035 changed the word /ch��n/ for /chih/, and were called N��-chih Tartars. They did this because at that date the word /ch��n/ was part of the personal name of the reigning Kitan Emperor, and therefore taboo. The necessity for such change would of course cease with their emancipation from Kitan rule, and the old name would be revived; it will accordingly be continued in the following pages.
The victories of Akut��ng over the Kitans were most welcome to the Chinese Emperor, who saw his late oppressors humbled to the dust by the victorious N��-ch��ns; and in 1120 a treaty of alliance was signed by the two powers against the common enemy. The upshot of this move was that the Kitans were severely defeated in all directions, and their chief cities fell into the hands of the N��-ch��ns, who finally succeeded, in 1122, in taking Peking by assault, the Kitan Emperor having already sought safety in flight. When, however, the time came for an equitable settlement of territory between China and the victorious N��-ch��ns, the Chinese Emperor discovered that the N��-ch��ns, inasmuch as they had done most of the fighting, were determined to have the lion's share of the reward; in fact, the yoke imposed by the latter proved if anything more burdensome than that of the dreaded Kitans. More territory was taken by the N��-ch��ns, and even larger levies of money were exacted, while the same old farce of worthless tribute was carried on as before.
In 1123, Akut��ng died, and was canonised as the first Emperor of the Chin, or Golden Dynasty. He was succeeded
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