Grace, certain Knowledge, and mere Motion, WE DO for Us,
Our Heirs and Successors, grant to and with the said Governor and
Company of Adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay, that all
Lands, Islands, Territories, Plantations, Forts, Fortifications, Factories,
or Colonies, where the said Company's Factories and Trade are or shall
be, within any the Ports or Places afore limited, shall be immediately
and from henceforth, under the Power and Command of the said
Governor and Company, their Successors and Assigns; saving the Faith
and Allegiance due to be performed to Us, Our Heirs and Successors
aforesaid; and that the said Governor and Company shall have Liberty,
full Power and Authority, to appoint and establish Governors, and all
other Officers to govern them, and that the Governor and his Council of
the several and respective Places where the said Company shall have
Plantations, Forts, Factories, Colonies, or Places of Trade within any
the Countries, Lands or Territories hereby granted, may have Power to
judge all Persons belonging to the said Governor and Company, or that
shall live under them, in all Causes, whether Civil or Criminal,
according to the Laws of this Kingdom, and to execute Justice
accordingly. And, in Case any Crime or Misdemeanor shall be
committed in any of the said Company's Plantations, Forts, Factories,
or Places of Trade within the Limits aforesaid, where Judicature cannot
be executed for want of a Governor and Council there, then in such
Case it shall and may be lawful for the chief Factor of that Place and
his Council, to transmit the Party, together with the Offence, to such
other Plantation, Factory, or Fort, where there shall be a Governor and
Council, where Justice may be executed, or into this Kingdom of
England, as shall be thought most convenient, there to receive such
Punishment as the Nature of his Offence shall deserve. AND
MOREOVER, Our Will and Pleasure is, and by these Presents, for Us,
Our Heirs and Successors, WE DO GIVE and grant unto the said
Governor and Company, and their Successors, free Liberty and Licence,
in case they conceive it necessary, to send either Ships of War, Men or
Ammunition, unto any their Plantations, Forts, Factories, or Places of
Trade aforesaid, for the Security and Defence of the same, and to
choose Commanders and Officers over them, and to give them Power
and Authority, by Commission under their Common Seal or otherwise,
to continue or make Peace or War with any Prince or People
whatsoever, that are not Christians, in any Places where the said
Company shall have any Plantations, Forts or Factories, or adjacent
thereunto, as shall be most for the Advantage and Benefit of the said
Governor and Company, and of their Trade; and also to right and
recompense themselves upon the Goods, Estates or People of those
Parts, by whom the said Governor and Company shall sustain any
Injury, Loss, or Damage, or upon any other People whatsoever that
shall any Way, contrary to the Intent of these Presents, interrupt, wrong
or injure them in their said Trade, within the said Places, Territories,
and Limits, granted by this Charter. And that it shall and may be lawful
to and for the said Governor and Company, and their Successors, from
time to time, and at all Times from henceforth, to erect and build such
Castles, Fortifications, Forts, Garrisons, Colonies or Plantations, Towns
or Villages, in any Parts or Places within the Limits and Bounds
granted before in these Presents, unto the said Governor and Company,
as they in their Discretion shall think fit and requisite, and for the
Supply of such as shall be needful and convenient, to keep and be in
the same, to send out of this Kingdom, to the said Castles, Forts,
Fortifications, Garrisons, Colonies, Plantations, Towns or Villages, all
Kinds of Cloathing, Provision of Victuals, Ammunition, and
Implements, necessary for such Purpose, paying the Duties and
Customs for the same, as also to transport and carry over such Number
of Men being willing thereunto, or not prohibited, as they shall think fit,
and also to govern them in such legal and reasonable Manner as the
said Governor and Company shall think best, and to inflict Punishment
for Misdemeanors, or impose such Fines upon them for Breach of their
Orders, as in these Presents are formerly expressed. AND FURTHER,
Our Will and Pleasure is, and by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs and
Successors, WE DO grant unto the said Governor and Company, and to
their Successors, full Power and lawful Authority to seize upon the
Persons of all such English, or any other Our Subjects, which shall sail
into Hudson's Bay, or inhabit in any of the Countries, Islands or
Territories hereby granted to the said Governor and Company, without
their Leave and License
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