Celtic Tales | Page 7

Louey Chisholm
the chief who
sailed with him to Mull was no longer a great lord, and that they had
nought to fear.
Greatly did the sons of Usna rejoice, for now might they sail south to
the land upon which their father's castle had stood in their boyhood.
But for eight days they lingered by the shores of the sea-loch, and as its
salt breath touched Deirdre's cheeks, she grew yet more fair, and as her
eyes drank in the glory of Western Alba, they shone with a radiance
that dazzled the beholder.
Then when the eighth day was come, they sailed forth and settled close
by the ground on which had stood their boyhood's home. And it was
with great joy that those who dwelt on hill and shore heard of the return
of the sons of Usna, and many gathered around them, doing homage.
Then the hundred and fifty men whom Nathos had brought with him,
sent he back to their own Green Isle.
'And thou, Ailne, and thou, Ardan, will ye not also return? Here may
Deirdre and I, with a few followers, dwell alone in safety.'
But his brothers would not leave Nathos, for were they not under a
bond that they would stand each by each, even unto death?
All through the winter they dwelt in peace and content. By day they
would hunt and fish, and when night fell Deirdre let fall from her lips

such wonder-stirring sounds that their heroic bosoms swelled with
dreams of noble deeds and high endeavour.
But when Spring burst upon the land with her blossom and her
singing-birds, it was told the sons of Usna that the King of Alba had
sworn to burn to the ground every stone that stood on the land that had
been their father's, and to slay Nathos, and wed the Star-eyed Deirdre.
So in their great galley they set forth, taking with them fifty men.
Northward they sailed, through narrow sea-lochs, until they reached the
mountains that had been the childhood's home of their dead mother.
On the summit of a high hill stood the castle where she had once dwelt.
Now it was forsaken of all save wandering shepherds and nesting birds,
and here, in all the glory of spring, did the sons of Usna make their
home. Nor was it long before the chiefs of the mountain-lands swore
allegiance to Nathos and did him homage, and he was as a king among
the people of his mother's land.
And while yet the wild thyme bloomed, word was brought to the sons
of Usna that the King of Alba was dead, and that the King who now
reigned would fain sign a bond of friendship with Nathos and his
And the bond was signed, and for three years the sons of Usna dwelt in
peace and great joy. In the north they rested while yet the
mountain-sides were aglow with the purple and gold of heather and
bracken, but ever before the first frosts came would they sail south to
the land that the brave Usna had ruled, where now they could dwell in
safety and in peace.
Thence ofttimes in the young summer would they sail southwards. No
bluer blue, no greener green, had it been given mortal eye to behold.
And throughout the land of Alba was it told of the fame of the sons of
Usna, and no poet or bard had a song so fair as that which sang of the
wondrous beauty of Deirdre.
[Illustration: Thence ofttimes in the young summer would they sail

* * * * *
In his dazzling palace in the Green Isle of Erin, Concobar dwelt with
gloomy thoughts of vengeance. This Nathos who had stolen Deirdre
from the forest beyond the Moor of Loneliness should no longer be
suffered to live in peace. He should surely die, and Deirdre the
Star-eyed should yet be Concobar's Queen.
And the King made a feast so magnificent that such had never been
seen in the Green Isle. And to it were called all the princes and nobles
of the land over which Concobar held sway.
It was in the midst of the feast, as they sat around the board, that a hush
fell upon the great company, while Concobar spoke to them of his
discontent. 'It is not meet that these three heroes of the realm, Nathos,
Ardan and Ailne, should be exiled from our isle for the sake of a
woman, be she fair as May. Should dark days befall, sore would be our
need, therefore let the sons of Usna be brought hither from their
northern mountain home.'
At these words great was the joy of all, for there was not one but knew
that it was for fear of the pitiless
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