Catalogue of Violent and Destructive Earthquakes in the Philippines | Page 4

Miguel Saderra Masó
and protracted earthquake. | | | 4 |1601 I 16 0 -- |VIII |Manila and adjacent provinces. Did | | |considerable damage to some churches and | | |many private houses in Manila. Its | | |duration was unusually great, it being | | |said that during 7 minutes the shocks were | | |almost continuous. There were several dead | | |and a great number of injured. The | | |repetitions were frequent throughout the | | |year. | | | 5 |1608 XII 3 -- -- | VI-|Leyte Island. Violent chiefly in the | | VII |country around Dulag and Palo (E coast of | | |northern Leyte). It does not appear to | | |have been destructive. | | | 6 |1610 XI -- -- -- | IX |Manila and provinces east of it. Several | | |writers call it a "terrible earthquake | | |which progressed from E to W." | | | 7 |1620 -- -- -- -- | IX |Panay Island. Great convulsions of the | | |ground; the Aclan River changed its | | |course. The few stone buildings in the | | |affected districts, as, for instance, the | | |church at Passi, Province of Iloilo, were | | |badly cracked, the wooden structures | | |either fell, owing to the snapping of the | | |uprights, or remained inclined in various | | |directions. The provinces which suffered | | |most were those of Iloilo and Capiz. | | | 8 |1627 VIII -- -- -- | X |Northern Luzon. The historians mention it | | |as one of the earthquakes which caused the | | |greatest convulsions in northern Luzon, | | |especially in Ilocos Norte and Cagayan, | | |but above all in the region of the Central | | |Central Cordillera, Lepanto, and Bontoc. | | |The data are somewhat vague. It is said | | |that part of the northern Caraballo | | |Mountains subsided. | | | 9 |1628 -- -- -- -- | IX |Camarines and Albay. A destructive | | |earthquake in which, it is said, a | | |mountain burst and emitted a river of | | |water and mud which swept away the town | | |of Camarines and others. The name of | | |Camarines was at the time used to | | |designate the present town of Camalig | | |and the district near the southern slopes | | |of Mayon Volcano. The flood mentioned | | |was probably an avalanche of water, sand, | | |volcanic ashes, and lapilli, such as also | | |on other occasions have occurred on the | | |slopes of the same volcano during periods | | |of torrential rains. | | | ----+--------------------+-----+------------------------------------------ No. | Date. |Intensity. | | | Epicenter and effects. ----+--------------------+-----+------------------------------------------ | Y. M. d. h. m. | | 10 |1636 XII 21 -- -- | IX |Western Mindanao. Destructive earthquake. | | |The epicenter appears to have been in | | |Illana Bay. Great landslides are reported | | |to have occurred at Point Flechas which is | | |between the Bays of Illana and Sibuguey. | | | 11 |1641 I 4 -- -- | X |Northern Luzon. Destructive earthquake, | | |accompanied by great landslides in the | | |mountains and eruptions of water and mud | | |in the region of northern Luzon which | | |comprises the Provinces of the Ilocos, of | | |Cagayan, and the Cordillera Central. All | | |the historians of the Archipelago mention | | |this cataclysm which occurred shortly | | |after the almost simultaneous eruptions of | | |Sanguir and Jolo. | | | 12 |1645 XI 30 20 -- | X |The most terrible earthquake recorded in | | |the annals of the Archipelago. It might | | |almost be said that from Manila to Cagayan | | |and Ilocos Norte it left no stone upon the | | |other. In the capital, where during the | | |preceding fifty years a great number of | | |stone buildings had been erected, | | |magnificent churches, palaces, and public | | |buildings, as well as private residences | | |and villas, the destruction was frightful. | | |Ten churches were wrecked entirely, to | | |wit: the Royal Chapel, Cathedral, Santo | | |Domingo, those of the Recollects and | | |Franciscans, Santiago, San Antonio, | | |Nuestra Se?ora de Guia, and the parish | | |churches of Binondo and San Miguel; only | | |San Agustin and the Jesuit Church remained | | |standing. Twelve monasteries, colleges, | | |and hospitals were likewise converted into | | |ruins. No better fared the palace of the | | |Governor-General, the Real Audiencia and | | |up to
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