Catalogue of British Columbia Birds | Page 9

Francis Kermode
(Fannin). Fort Simpson by W. B. Anderson.
229. Dusky Horned Lark.
Otocoris alpestris merrilli (Dwight).
Chiefly east of Cascades. I have never known it to be taken on Vancouver Island. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Chas. de B. Green has taken it at Osoyoos.
Family CORVID?. Crows, Jays, Magpies.
PICA Brisson.
230. American Magpie.
Pica pica hudsonica (Sab.).
A common resident on the Mainland, rarely west to Vancouver Island. Breeds in the interior of the Mainland, east of Cascade Mountains.
CYANOCITTA Strickland.
231. Steller's Jay.
Cyanocitta stelleri (Gmel.).
An abundant resident west of Coast Range on Mainland and Vancouver Island throughout the year.
232. Black-headed Jay.
Cyanocitta stelleri annectens (Baird).
This form is quite common in the interior from the Cascades east down through the Okanagan. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack.
233. Queen Charlotte Jay.
Cyanocitta stelleri carlott? (Osgood).
Queen Charlotte Islands; not uncommon at Skidegate, August, 1895.
234. Rocky Mountain Jay.
Perisoreus canadensis capitalis (Ridgw.).
East of Cascade Mountains. Taken at Okanagan and in the Caribou District by A. C. Brooks.
235. Oregon Jay.
Perisoreus obscurus (Ridgw.).
An abundant resident west of Cascades, on the Mainland, but not so numerous on Vancouver Island.
236. Gray Jay.
Perisoreus obscurus griseus (Ridgw.).
California to British Columbia, east of the Coast and Cascade Ranges. (Ridgway.)
CORVUS Linn?us.
237. Northern Raven.
Corvus corax principalis (Ridgw.).
A resident throughout the Province; more common on the Coast. I have seen it quite common at Clayoquot, V. I., and in August, 1895, it was very common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Common at Metlakatla. (Rev. J. H. Keen.)
238. American Crow.
Corvus brachyrhynchos (Brehm.)
Common east of Coast Range; common at Sicamous, May, 1895. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack and Okanagan.
239. Northwest Crow.
Corvus caurinus (Baird).
An abundant resident west of Cascade Mountains, on Mainland and Vancouver Island, and fairly common at Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, July, 1895.
240. Clarke's Nutcracker.
Nucifraga columbiana (Wils.).
A common resident on the Mainland, chiefly east of the Coast Range. Rare on Vancouver Island.
241. Blue Crow. Pi?on Jay.
Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus (Wied.).
Rocky Mountain region to the Pacific Coast Ranges, but rather more southerly; north to British Columbia; south to Lower California.--"Key to N. A. Birds (Coues), Fifth Edition."
Family ICTERID?. Blackbirds, Orioles, Etc.
242. Bobolink.
Dolichonyx oryzivorus (Linn.)
East and west of Cascade Mountains. Taken at Chilliwhack by A. C. Brooks.
243. Cowbird.
Molothrus ater (Bodd.).
A summer resident. I have found it fairly common in the neighbourhood of Ducks, on C. P. R., and Okanagan. It is a rare straggler on Vancouver Island; it has been taken near Victoria. Mr. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack. Rev. J. H. Keen reports it rare at Metlakatla.
244. Yellow-headed Blackbird.
Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus (Bonap.).
A rare summer resident on the Mainland. I have heard of it at Vernon. Fannin has found it above Clinton, on the Cariboo Road. Brooks has taken it at Chilliwhack.
AGELAIUS Vieillot.
245. San Diego Redwing.
Agelaius phoeniceus neutralis (Ridgw.).
Breeding range north, to eastern British Columbia. (Ridgway.) East of Cascades I found this form quite common near Vernon, June, 1895.
246. Northwestern Red-wing.
Agelaius phoeniceus caurinus (Ridgw.).
Common west of Cascades, on Mainland and Vancouver Island; it is found throughout the year near Victoria.
247. Western Meadowlark.
Sturnella magna neglecta (Aud.).
Abundant resident on Mainland and Vancouver Island, east and west of Cascades.
ICTERUS Brisson.
248. Bullock's Oriole.
Icterus bullocki (Swains.).
A fairly common summer resident, chiefly east of Cascades. I found it breeding along the valley of the Thompson and in the Okanagan, near Vernon, May and June, 1895. Mr. Brooks has found it breeding at Chilliwhack.
249. Rusty Blackbird.
Euphagus carolinus (Muller).
Rare. One specimen shot at Metlakatla by Rev. J. H. Keen, November, 26th, 1901, and presented by him to the Museum.
250. Brewer's Blackbird.
Euphagus cyanocephalus (Wagler.).
Common, and generally distributed on the Mainland; quite common in the Lower Fraser Valley, Grand Prairie, south side of Thompson River, down into the Okanagan country. Breeding in suitable localities. Not common on Vancouver Island; a few have been taken near Victoria.
Family FRINGILLID?. Finches, Sparrows, Etc.
251. Western Evening Grosbeak.
Hesperiphona vespertina montana (Ridgw.).
Chiefly on the Mainland. West in winter to Vancouver Island and Lower Fraser Valley. Taken at Chilliwhack and Okaiiagan by A. C. B.
PINICOLA Vieillot.
252. Alaskan Pine Grosbeak.
Pinicola enucleator alascensis (Ridgw.).
Mainland east and west of Cascade Mountains. Common in winter in the neighbourhood of Clinton. Mr. Brooks reports it from Chilliwhack and Okanagan. Rare at Metlakatla. (Rev. J. H. Keen.)
253. California Purple Finch.
Carpodacus purpureus californicus (Baird).
An abundant summer resident west of Cascades. Quite a number winter on Vancouver Island.
254. Cassin's Purple Finch.
Carpodacus cassini (Baird).
East of Cascades to Rocky Mountains. Tolerably common.
LOXIA Linn?us.
255. American Crossbill.
Loxia curvirostra minor (Brehm.).
An abundant resident throughout the Province, Island and Mainland.
256. White-winged Crossbill.
Loxia leucoptera (Gmel.).
An abundant resident chiefly on the Mainland, occasionally west to Vancouver Island.
257. Gray-crowned Leucosticte.
Leucosticte tephrocotis (Swains.).
Rocky Mountain district. In winter, occasionally west to Cascades. Mr. Brooks has taken it as far west as Chilliwhack.
258. Hepburn's Leucosticte.
Leucosticte tephrocotis littoralis (Baird).
Common on the Mainland from the Coast to Rocky Mountains. Breeds above timber
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