Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Debate Index | Page 3

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
of arbitration. Debaters' handbook ser., no. 1: Briefs, references, and selected articles.
Compulsory industrial arbitration. Askew, 1906, p. 16: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 13: Briefs.
The government should settle all disputes between capital and labor. Craig, p. 556: Outlines.
Ought arbitration in trade disputes to be enforced by law? Gibson, p. 24: Briefs and references.
State boards of arbitration with compulsory powers should be established throughout the United States to settle industrial disputes between employers and employees. Foster, p. 353: Speech (affirmative).
There should be a national board of arbitration for matters in dispute between employers and employees on inter-state railroads, and this board should be given compulsory powers. Brookings, p. 162: Briefs and references.
=Arbitration, International.=
Could not arbitration be made a substitute for war? Rowton, p. 224: References.
International arbitration; is it a substitute for war? Askew, 1906, p. 16: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 14: Briefs.
The United States should form a treaty with Great Britain and with France agreeing to arbitrate all disputed questions. C. L. of P. Reference lists.
=Arctic exploration.=
Has Arctic exploration been justified in its results? Matson, p. 412: Briefs and references.
=Aristocratic and democratic government.=
Askew, 1906, p. 17: Briefs and references.
=Aristotle and Plato.= See =Plato and Aristotle.=
Danger of increased armaments. Askew, 1906, p. 114: Briefs and references.
Reduction of national armaments. Askew, 1911, p. 15: Briefs.
See also Disarmament.
=Armed intervention.=
Armed intervention for the collection of debts. Speaker, v. 2, p. 391: Briefs and references.--C. L. of P. Debates: Briefs.
Armed intervention is not justifiable on the part of any nation to collect in behalf of private individuals financial claims against any American nation. Pearson, p. 223: Synopses and references.
=Armenian question.=
Armenian question and English intervention. Askew, 1906, p. 18: Briefs and references.
=Army= (England).
Army short service. Askew, 1906, p. 20: Briefs and references.--Askew, 1911, p. 16: Briefs.
Compulsory universal service. Askew, 1911, p. 207: Briefs.
See also Conscription.
=Army= (United States). Increase.
Is it good government for the United States to maintain a standing army greater than is actually necessary to enforce the laws of the country? Craig, p. 520: Speeches.
The United States army should be increased rather than diminished. C. L. of P. Reference lists.
The United States army should be increased to one thousand for each million of our population. Thomas, p. 200: Briefs.
Should not all national works of art be entirely free to the public? Rowton, p. 227: References.
=Art, British.=
Is British art declining? Gibson, p. 27: Briefs and references.
=Art and morality.=
Does art, in its principles and works, imply the moral? Is art amenable to an ethical standard? Matson, p. 365: Briefs and references.
=Art and religion.=
Is the influence of the fine arts favorable to religion? Matson, p. 366: Briefs and references.
=Art and science.=
Are art and science antagonistic? Is the general prevalence of natural science prejudicial to the cultivation of high art? Matson, p. 362: Briefs and references.
=Art unions.=
Do the associations entitled "art unions" tend to promote the spread of the fine arts? Rowton, p. 228: References.
=Asset currency.=
National banks should be permitted to issue notes based on their general assets. Ringwalt, p. 143: Briefs and references.
National banks should be permitted to issue, subject to tax and government supervision, notes based on their general assets. Speaker, v. 3, p. 409: Brief (affirmative).--C. L. of P. Debates: Brief (affirmative).
A system of asset currency, under federal control, should be established in the United States. Pearson, p. 191: Synopses of speeches, and references.
=Astronomy and geology.=
Does the study of astronomy tend more to expand the mind than the study of geology? Is the study of geology of more practical benefit than the study of astronomy? Matson, p. 261: Briefs and references.
=Athanasian creed.=
Should the rubric requiring its public recitation be removed? Askew, 1911, p. 17: Briefs.
Are there tribes of atheists? Matson, p. 472: Briefs and references.
Intercollegiate athletics promote the best interests of colleges. Thomas, p. 186: Briefs.
Intercollegiate athletics should be abolished. Speaker, v. 7, p. 295: Brief (negative).
Interscholastic athletic contests are of more value to the participants than literary contests. C. L. of P. Reference lists.
Should not practice in athletic games form a part of every system of education? Rowton, p. 229: References.
See also Sport.
=Atomic theory.=
Does the atomic theory find in science sufficient confirmation to establish its validity? Matson, p. 387: Briefs and references.
=Authority= (in religion).
Authority as the basis of religious belief. Askew, 1906, p. 21: Briefs and references.
=Authors and publishers.=
Authors and publishers; are the former inequitably treated? Askew, 1906, p. 22: Briefs.
=Automobile license.=
Should the federal government license automobile drivers? Foster, p. 351: Analysis.
Taxation of bachelors. Askew, 1906, p. 23; Askew, 1911, p. 20: Briefs.
=Bacon,= Francis.
Are the character and career of Lord Bacon, as a whole, indefensible? Was the character of Bacon deserving of the approbation of posterity? Matson, p. 94: Briefs and references.
=Bacon and Newton.=
Has the philosophy of Bacon contributed more to the progress of physical science than the discoveries of Newton? Matson, p. 379: Briefs and references.
=Bacon-Shakespeare question.=
Is it probable that Lord Bacon is the
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