Captains of Industry | Page 2

James Parton
such men as John Smedley and Robert Owen without forming a
secret resolve to do something similar if ever he should win the

PAGE David Maydole, Hammer-Maker 9
Ichabod Washburn, Wire-Maker 18
Elihu Burritt, the Learned Blacksmith 27
Michael Reynolds, Engine-Driver 36
Major Robert Pike, Farmer 43
George Graham, Clock-Maker, buried in Westminster Abbey 51
John Harrison, Exquisite Watch-Maker 58
Peter Faneuil, and the Great Hall he built 65
Chauncey Jerome, Yankee Clock-Maker 79

Captain Pierre Laclede Liguest, Pioneer 89
Israel Putnam, Farmer 96
George Flower, Pioneer 104
Edward Coles, Noblest of the Pioneers, and his Great Speech 117
Peter H. Burnett, Banker 126
Gerrit Smith 133
Peter Force, Printer 140
John Bromfield, Merchant 148
Frederick Tudor, Ice Exporter 156
Myron Holley, Market-Gardener 163
The Founders of Lowell 170
Robert Owen, Cotton-Manufacturer 180
John Smedley, Stocking-Manufacturer 188
Richard Cobden, Calico Printer 195
Henry Bessemer 206
John Bright, Manufacturer 212
Thomas Edward, Cobbler and Naturalist 224
Robert Dick, Baker and Naturalist 232
John Duncan, Weaver and Botanist 240
James Lackington, Second-Hand Bookseller 247

Horace Greeley's Start 254
James Gordon Bennett, and how he founded his "Herald" 264
Three John Walters, and their Newspaper 275
George Hope 288
Sir Henry Cole 294
Charles Summers 300
William B. Astor, House-Owner 307
Peter Cooper 313
Paris-Duverney, French Financier 332
Sir Rowland Hill 342
Marie-Antoine Carème, French Cook 349
Wonderful Walker, Parson of all Work 355
Sir Christopher Wren 363
Sir John Rennie, Engineer 372
Sir Moses Montefiore 379
Marquis of Worcester, Inventor of the Steam-Engine 385
An Old Dry-Goods Merchant's Recollections 392




When a young man begins to think of making his fortune, his first
notion usually is to go away from home to some very distant place. At
present, the favorite spot is Colorado; awhile ago it was California; and
old men remember when Buffalo was about as far west as the most
enterprising person thought of venturing.
It is not always a foolish thing to go out into the world far beyond the
parent nest, as the young birds do in midsummer. But I can tell you,
boys, from actual inquiry, that a great number of the most important
and famous business men of the United States struck down roots where
they were first planted, and where no one supposed there was room or
chance for any large thing to grow.
I will tell you a story of one of these men, as I heard it from his own
lips some time ago, in a beautiful village where I lectured.

He was an old man then; and a curious thing about him was that,
although he was too deaf to hear one word of a public address, even of
the loudest speaker, he not only attended church every Sunday, but was
rarely absent when a lecture was delivered.
While I was performing on that occasion, I saw him sitting just in front
of the platform, sleeping the sleep of the just till the last word was
Upon being introduced to this old gentleman in his office, and learning
that his business was to make hammers, I was at a loss for a subject of
conversation, as it never occurred to me that there was anything to be
said about hammers.
I have generally possessed a hammer, and frequently inflicted damage
on my fingers therewith, but I had supposed that a hammer was simply
a hammer, and that hammers were very much alike. At last I said,--
"And here you make hammers for mankind, Mr. Maydole?"
You may have noticed the name of David Maydole upon hammers. He
is the man.
"Yes," said he, "I have made hammers here for twenty-eight years."
"Well, then," said I, shouting in his best ear, "by this time you ought to
be able to make a pretty good hammer."
"No, I can't," was his reply. "I can't make a pretty good hammer. I make
the best hammer that's made."
That was strong language. I thought, at first, he meant it as a joke; but I
soon found it was no joke at all.
He had made hammers the study of his lifetime, and, after many years
of thoughtful and laborious experiment, he had actually produced an
article, to which, with all his knowledge and experience, he could
suggest no improvement.

I was astonished to discover how many points there are about an
instrument which I had always supposed a very simple thing. I was
surprised to learn in how many ways a hammer can be bad.
But, first, let me tell you how he came to think of hammers.
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