Captain John Smith | Page 4

Charles Dudley Warner

By Charles Dudley Warner

When I consented to prepare this volume for a series, which should
deal with the notables of American history with some familiarity and
disregard of historic gravity, I did not anticipate the seriousness of the
task. But investigation of the subject showed me that while Captain
John Smith would lend himself easily enough to the purely facetious
treatment, there were historic problems worthy of a different handling,
and that if the life of Smith was to be written, an effort should be made
to state the truth, and to disentangle the career of the adventurer from
the fables and misrepresentations that have clustered about it.
The extant biographies of Smith, and the portions of the history of
Virginia that relate to him, all follow his own narrative, and accept his
estimate of himself, and are little more than paraphrases of his story as
told by himself. But within the last twenty years some new
contemporary evidence has come to light, and special scholars have
expended much critical research upon different portions of his career.
The result of this modern investigation has been to discredit much of
the romance gathered about Smith and Pocahontas, and a good deal to
reduce his heroic proportions. A vague report of- -these scholarly
studies has gone abroad, but no effort has been made to tell the real
story of Smith as a connected whole in the light of the new researches.
This volume is an effort to put in popular form the truth about Smith's
adventures, and to estimate his exploits and character. For this purpose
I have depended almost entirely upon original contemporary material,
illumined as it now is by the labors of special editors. I believe that I
have read everything that is attributed to his pen, and have compared
his own accounts with other contemporary narratives, and I think I have
omitted the perusal of little that could throw any light upon his life or
character. For the early part of his career--before he came to
Virginia--there is absolutely no authority except Smith himself; but
when he emerges from romance into history, he can be followed and
checked by contemporary evidence. If he was always and uniformly
untrustworthy it would be less perplexing to follow him, but his
liability to tell the truth when vanity or prejudice does not interfere is
annoying to the careful student.
As far as possible I have endeavored to let the actors in these pages tell
their own story, and I have quoted freely from Capt. Smith himself,

because it is as a writer that he is to be judged no less than as an actor.
His development of the Pocahontas legend has been carefully traced,
and all the known facts about that Indian--or Indese, as some of the old
chroniclers call the female North Americans--have been consecutively
set forth in separate chapters. The book is not a history of early
Virginia, nor of the times of Smith, but merely a study of his life and
writings. If my estimate of the character of Smith is not that which his
biographers have entertained, and differs from his own candid opinion,
I can only plead that contemporary evidence and a collation of his own
stories show that he was mistaken. I am not aware that there has been
before any systematic effort to collate his different accounts of his
exploits. If he had ever undertaken the task, he might have disturbed
that serene opinion of himself which marks him as a man who realized
his own ideals.
The works used in this study are, first, the writings of Smith, which are
as follows:
"A True Relation," etc., London, 1608.
"A Map of Virginia, Description and Appendix," Oxford, 1612.
"A Description of New England," etc., London, 1616.
"New England's Trials," etc., London, 1620. Second edition, enlarged,
"The Generall Historie," etc., London, 1624. Reissued, with date of
title-page altered, in 1626, 1627, and twice in 1632.
"An Accidence: or, The Pathway to Experience," etc., London, 1626.
"A Sea Grammar," etc., London, 1627. Also editions in 1653 and 1699.
"The True Travels," etc., London, 1630.
"Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England," etc.,
London, 1631.
Other authorities are:
"The Historie of Travaile into Virginia," etc., by William Strachey,
Secretary of the colony 1609 to 1612. First printed for the Hakluyt
Society, London, 1849.
"Newport's Relatyon," 1607. Am. Ant. Soc., Vol. 4.
"Wingfield's Discourse," etc., 1607. Am. Ant. Soc., Vol. 4.
"Purchas his Pilgrimage," London, 1613.
"Purchas his Pilgrimes," London, 1625-6.
"Ralph Hamor's True Discourse," etc., London, 1615.

"Relation of Virginia," by Henry Spelman, 1609. First printed by J. F.
Hunnewell, London, 1872.
"History of the Virginia Company in London," by Edward D. Neill,
Albany, 1869.
"William Stith's History of Virginia," 1753, has been consulted
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