California Joe, the Mysterious Plainsman | Page 7

Prentiss Ingraham
brought forward to aid in the first volley, and so had a number of the women. All the firearms -- and there was a large supply in the train -- had been laid along upon the edge of the bluff ready for use. Soon all was as quiet as the grave in the camp and none would have believed but that peaceful slumber reigned supreme. Slowly the hours dragged along, and then the watchers upon the bluff saw a dark form glide through the line of wagons into the inclosure. Then another and another, until several dogs, I aroused by their presence, and which none of the emigrants had thought to carry upon the bluff with them, began to bark furiously and to fly at the intruders. Then arose a wild, thrilling war-cry, and a hundred savage throats answered it, as the redskins sent a cloud of arrows flying into the camp at the supposed sleepers and into the tents, and rushed forward to begin the red work for which they had come. The burning fires showed their buckskin-clad forms, painted faces, and gaudily bedecked heads, and as they reached the first line of blankets, yelling like demons, Captain Reynolds shouted: "All together! Fire!" Two-score rifles were discharged as one weapon, almost, and full half as many red-skins dropped dead in their tracks. Then the line of the bluff seemed to be on fire, so constant were the rattling of the emigrants' rifles and revolvers, and the women and boys reloading, there was kept up a continual discharge upon the surprised red-skins, who, meeting no foe to grapple with and falling by the dozen under the merciless bullets of the pale-faces, broke and ran at all quarters. "You men follow me!" cried Captain Reynolds, as he descended the rope ladder and crossed the fallen tree-bridge to the camp. Quickly he was obeyed, and dashing over the dead and dying Indians lying here and there, he gained the wagon line of breastworks and poured a hot fire upon their flying foes, who seemed utterly panic-stricken at the terrific punishment they had met with, where they had expected an easy victory, plenty of scalps and quantities of booty. But afar off on the prairie was seen the flash of a rifle, then other flashes and reports, as though coming from revolvers, and then came to the ears of the emigrants a rumbling sound like distant thunder. The flying red-skins heard it too, and there were wild yells of fury, that proved something had gone wrong, and the next instant, along the trail leading by the camp, dashed a large drove of mustangs, saddled and bridled, but riderless. And in their rear rushed a snow-white steed, with a rider upon his back, hooting and yelling like mad as he sped along. Away past the camp rushed the drove, and as, the single rider in their midst went by, he shouted: "I'm Joe, and I've captured their whole outfit of ponies. "Look sharp, for they may be back on you, and I'll return in a couple of days to guide you to Sunset Settlement." And on he passed, out of sight, driving the mustangs at full speed, and having by his grand capture dismounted old Bad Blood and his entire band.

JOE, whatever time he had been upon the border, or whatever scenes he had passed through, before meeting with the Reynolds' emigrant train, had certainly been able to become a thorough prairieman, He could match Indian cunning any time, was able to take care of himself, and seemed to rather enjoy the thought that he was regarded as a spook, or evil spirit. Though wholly uncommunicative regarding the past, and one, young as he was, who certainly had some mysterious history, some strange story to tell, would he but tell it, he was yet not taciturn, for once his lips were unlocked upon ordinary matters, he had plenty to say. After having warned the train of their threatened danger, and guided them to a place of safety at the Bluff camp, he had ridden off at a gallop as though the kiss given him by little Maggie Reynolds had reopened wounds he had thought were healed. He had not gone very far from the camp before he saw a form suddenly spring from the grass before him. Then another and another, until two mustangs which had been lying down by the side of their masters, were flying away at full speed, and upon their backs were their riders. But Joe did not hesitate at sight of them, but, on the contrary, let his horse increase his speed. "They are Bad Blood's spies, and they know just who I am," he muttered. After a while, as he gained rapidly upon the flying
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