Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue in the Sunny South | Page 4

Laura Lee Hope
Sadie West, and a number of other children.
In the town of Bellemere were other persons, more or less friendly to
Bunny and Sue. I have mentioned Jed Winkler, an old sailor who

owned a monkey named Wango. His sister, Miss Euphemia, was not as
fond of monkeys or children as was her brother.
Uncle Tad was an old soldier, who lived in the Brown home. He was
really an uncle to Mr. Brown, but Bunny and Sue claimed him as their
own. In a distant city lived Aunt Lu, whom the children had once
Bunny Brown and his sister Sue had many adventures besides those
told of in the first book. They went to Grandpa's farm, they played
circus, they visited at Aunt Lu's city home, they camped in the woods
at "Camp Rest-a-While," journeyed to the big woods, took an auto tour,
had rides on a Shetland pony, gave a show in the town hall, and just
before this story opens they had been to Christmas Tree Cove, where
they took part in many strange happenings and solved a queer mystery.
They had been back from Christmas Tree Cove for some time, and now
winter had set in. Then came the big storm, the making of the snow
man and the slide of snow from the roof, covering Bunny Brown from
"Oh, Mother! Mother! come and get Bunny out," cried Sue, as she
raced toward the house.
"And bring a shovel!" added Helen, glancing back to see where Charlie
was trying to get to the bottom of the pile by using his hands.
"What's the matter?" asked Mrs. Brown, as she came to the door in
answer to the cries of the two girls.
"Oh, Bunny--Bunny--a--a--" Then Sue had to stop, for she was
"He's under the snow!" cried Helen, able to finish the sad news Sue had
Mrs. Brown, who had been sewing in the house, had heard the slide of
snow from the roof, and had also heard the thud it made as it landed in

the yard. Now she understood what Sue and Helen meant. Bunny,
somehow or other, was under that snowslide.
"Oh, Uncle Tad!" cried Mrs. Brown. "Come quick! Bunny is under a
snowslide from the roof! We'll have to get him out!"
Mrs. Brown hurried from the house, followed by the two little girls.
But Helen paused long enough to shout:
"Bring a shovel! That's what Charlie said!"
"Is Charlie under the snow, too?" asked Mrs. Brown, as she hurried
around the corner of the house.
"No'm. But he's digging with his hands," Helen answered. "I guess the
shovels Bunny and Sue were making the snow man with are too small
to dig with."
This was so, and Mrs. Brown was thinking of turning back into the
house to get the large shovel when she saw Uncle Tad coming with it.
"I'll soon dig him out," said the old soldier, as he began to work with
the shovel.
"Poor Bunny!" exclaimed Mrs. Brown. "I can't even see him."
"The snow came down from on top," explained Charlie. "It went right
over his head and everything!"
"I hope he isn't hurt," said Mrs. Brown, picking up one of the small
shovels the children had been using and beginning to help Uncle Tad
"I guess it won't hurt him much," Charlie said. "The snow's soft. Once I
was in a snow house and the roof fell in on me and I was all covered up,
but I wasn't hurt."
"That's good," remarked Mrs. Brown. "We're digging you out, Bunny,"
she called.

"I don't guess he can hear you," said Helen, when no answer came from
beneath the snow.
"I couldn't hear when I was in the snow house," said Charlie. "My ears
were all stopped up."
"We'll soon have him out," declared Uncle Tad, tossing aside big
shovelfuls of the damp snow. "It's a deep pile, though."
There were now three of them digging away at the pile of snow which
hid Bunny Brown from sight. Of course Uncle Tad was doing the most
work, as his shovel was so large. Pile after pile he tossed aside, and he
was fast getting to the bottom, when, all of a sudden there was a
cracking sound, and the handle of Uncle Tad's shovel broke in the
"Oh, dear!" cried the old soldier. "This is too bad!"
"And we haven't another large shovel!" said Mrs. Brown. "Walter took
our second one down to the dock with him this morning!"
"Well, perhaps I can make this do," said Uncle Tad. "Though I can't
work as fast as I could if the handle wasn't broken."
"Sue, and Helen, run next door and see if you can borrow a large snow
shovel," called Mrs. Brown. "Don't
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