Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue | Page 9

Laura Lee Hope
"You musn't go near him, Bunny. He might bite or scratch you. He is
very bad and ugly to-day. I don't know what ails him. Stop it, Wango!"
she ordered. "Stop it at once! Come down from there, and stop pulling
my hair!"
But the monkey did nothing of the sort. He neither came down, nor did
he stop pulling the lady's hair, as Sue and Bunny could easily tell. For
they could see Wango give it a yank now and then, and, when he did,
poor Miss Winkler would cry out in pain.
"Oh, go for my brother! He's down on the fish dock I think," Miss
Winkler begged.
"No, we can't go there," replied Bunny slowly. "Our mother told us not
to go there unless Bunker Blue or Aunt Lu was with us."
"Then the monkey will never let go of my hair," sighed Miss Winkler.
"Yes, he will," Bunny said. "I'll make him."
"How?" Sue wanted to know.
"This way!" exclaimed her brother, as he held out some of the peanuts
he had bought at Miss Redden's store. "Here, Wango!" he called.
"Come and get some peanuts!"
"And I'll give him some caramels," cried Sue, as she held out some of
her candy.
I do not know whether or not Wango understood what Bunny and Sue

said, but I am sure he knew that the candy and peanuts were good to eat.
For, with a chatter of delight, he suddenly let go of Miss Winkler's hair
and scrambled down to the floor near Bunny.
"Look out that he doesn't bite you," Miss Winkler said. "Be careful,
"I'm not afraid," said Bunny Brown.
"Nor I," added Sue.
Wango was very tame, however. The way he acted, after he saw the
good things to eat, would have made anyone think he was always kind
and gentle. For he carefully took the peanuts from Bunny in one paw,
and a caramel from Sue in another, and then, making a bow, as the old
sailor had taught him, the mischievous monkey scrambled into his cage
in one corner of the room.
The next minute Miss Winkler had shut the cage door and fastened it.
"There!" she exclaimed, "the next time I let you out of your cage you'll
know it, Wango!"
"What happened?" asked Bunny.
"I don't know, child," the elderly lady answered, as she began to coil up
her hair. "He is usually good, though he minds my brother better than
he does me. When Jed was here, a while ago, he was playing with
Wango out in the room, and, I suppose, when he put the saucy creature
back in the cage, the door did not fasten well.
"Anyhow, when I was making some cookies awhile ago I suddenly felt
something behind me, and, as I tumid around, I saw the monkey. He
made a grab for a cookie, and I had to slap his paws for I won't have
him doing tricks like that.
"Then he got mad, snatched my comb out of my hair, and, when I ran
after him, he got up on the window pole, grabbed my hair and stayed

up there where I couldn't reach him. Oh, what a time I've had!"
"It's too bad," said Sue kindly.
"I don't know what I would have done if you children hadn't come
along," went on Miss Winkler, "for I had called and called, and no one
heard me. I'll make Jed put a good lock on the monkey-cage after this.
Now come out to the kitchen and I'll give you each a cookie."
Wango seemed to want a cookie also, for he chattered and made queer
faces as he shook the door of his cage.
"No, indeed! You sha'n't have a bit!" scolded Miss Winkler. "You were
very bad."
Wango chattered louder than ever. Perhaps he was saying he was sorry
for what he had done, but he got no cookie.
Bunny and Sue each had a nice brown one, though, with a raisin in the
centre, and, after Miss Winkler had thanked them again, they kept on
with their walk down the street.
"Wasn't Wango funny?" asked Sue, as she nibbled her cookie.
"That's what he was," Bunny said. "'Member the time when he pulled
the cat's tail?"
"Yes," agreed Sue. "And when he sat down in the fly paper! That was
funnier than this time."
"I guess Miss Winkler didn't think this was funny," commented Bunny.
"I guess the monkey doesn't like her."
"But he minds Mr. Winkler," Sue said. "I've seen him make the
monkey stand on his head."
The old sailor, who had brought Wango home, after one of his many
ocean voyages, had taught the furry little creature many tricks. But
though Wango minded Mr. Winkler very well, he did
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