Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue | Page 5

Laura Lee Hope
don't come from gold mines; they make 'em out of glass!"
said Sue.
"Yes they do dig 'em; don't they, Aunt Lu?" insisted Bunny.
"Yes, dear, they do dig them."
"Where did you dig it?" Sue wanted to know. Perhaps she hoped she
could dig one for herself.
"I did not dig it," their aunt said. "It was given me by a very dear friend.
I love it very much," and she held up the diamond ring, so that it
sparkled more than ever in the sun.
"Well, Sue," she went on, as she finished scrubbing away at the muddy
dress. "I think that is the best I can do. It will need washing to make it
clean again. But here comes Bunker with the pony cart, so we will start
for your house. Your mother will be wondering what has become of
Aunt Lu had been on a visit to the Brown's several times before, and as
she sat in the pony cart with the children, with Bunker driving, she
bowed to several persons whom she knew and who knew her. There
was Mr. Sam Gordon, who kept the grocery, Jacob Reinberg, who sold
drygoods and notions, and little Mrs. Redden, who kept a candy and
toy store.
"Stop here a minute, Bunker," said Miss Baker, when the pony cart
reached the toy store. "I want to get something for Bunny and Sue."

"Candy?" asked Bunny eagerly.
"Yes, just a little," his aunt answered, and soon Bunny and Sue were
nibbling the sweets Mrs. Redden brought out to them.
Just as he had said he would do, Bunny sat in front of his sister, so no
one would see her soiled dress. But Sue did not much mind about it
now. Her mother only said she was sorry, when she heard about the
accident, and did not blame her little daughter.
Mrs. Brown and her sister were glad to see one another, and after Aunt
Lu had taken off her hat, and was seated In the cool dining room,
sipping a cup of tea, Bunny called to her:
"Aunt Lu, won't you come out and play with us?"
"Please do!" begged Sue. "I have a new doll."
"And I have a new top," added Bunny. "It hums and whistles. I'll let
you spin it, Aunt Lu."
"Oh, dears, your aunt can't come out now," said Mrs. Brown. "She must
rest. Some other time she may. She and I want to sit and talk now. You
run off and play by yourselves."
"Don't you want to come down and see the fish boat come in?" went on
Bunny, wondering why it was that grown folks would rather sit and
talk than play out of doors and have fun.
"Oh, yes, let's take her down to the dock and see the fish boats come
in!" exclaimed Sue, for this was one of their delights. Some of the boats
were those which the fishermen hired from Mr. Brown, and it was at
his dock, where he had an office, that the boats landed, the fish being
taken out, put in barrels, with ice, and sent to the city.
"No, Aunt Lu can't go to the dock with you now," Mrs. Brown said.
"Some other time, my dears."
"Then may we go?" asked Bunny.

Mrs. Brown hesitated. Then, as she saw Bunker Blue coming in with
Aunt Lu's trunk, which he had gone down to get, instead of sending it
up by an expressman, the children's mother said:
"Yes, Bunny, you and Sue may go down to the dock with Bunker. But
stay with him, and don't fall in; you especially, Sue, as I don't want to
put another clean dress on you."
"Oh, I'll be careful, Mother," Sue promised, and away she and her
brother hurried, calling to Bunker to wait for them. Bunker was very
glad to do this, because he liked to be with Bunny and Sue.
"Have the fish boats come in yet, Bunker?" asked Bunny, as he trudged
along, holding one of the red-haired lad's hands, while Sue had the
"No, Bunny, they're not in yet, but maybe they will be coming soon
after we get to the dock," Bunker answered. And so it happened. Bunny
and Sue went into their father's office for a moment, to tell him that
Aunt Lu had arrived, and then, with Bunker to look after them, they
went out on the end of the dock.
Soon one of the big fish boats came in. It was loaded with several kinds
of fish, some big flat ones, white on one side, and black on the other.
These were flounders. There were some blue fish, large and small, and
some long-legged "fiddler" crabs. But they were not the kind that is
good to eat.
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