Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue at Aunt Lus City Home | Page 2

Laura Lee Hope
long ago, and he's now shining brightly."
"Did the sun have its breakfast, Mother?" asked Bunny.
"Yes, little man. He drank a lot of dew, off the flowers. That's all he ever takes. Now you two get dressed, and come down and have your breakfast, so we can clear away the dishes. Hurry now!"
Mrs. Brown went down stairs, leaving Bunny and Sue to dress by themselves, for they were old enough for that now.
"Oh, Bunny!" exclaimed the little girl, as she went back in her own room. "I really did think, when I first woke up, that we were back at Grandpa Brown's, and that we were going out to help grandma feed the hens."
"Do you wish we were, Sue?" asked Bunny.
"Oh, I don't know, Bunny," said Sue slowly. "I did like it at grandma's, and we had lots of fun playing circus. But I like it at home here, too."
"So do I," said Bunny, as he started to get dressed.
The two children, with their father and mother, had come back, only the day before, from a long visit to Grandpa Brown's, in the country. I'll tell you about that a little later. So it is no wonder that Sue, awakening from the first night's sleep in her own house, after the long stay in the country, should think she was back at grandpa's.
"Bunny, Bunny!" called Sue, after a bit.
"What is it?" he asked.
"Will you button my dress for me?"
"Is it one of the kind that buttons up the back, Sue?"
"Yes. If it buttoned in front I could do it myself. Will you help me, just as you did once before, 'cause I'm hungry for breakfast!"
"Yep, I'll help you, Sue. Only I hope your dress isn't got a lot of buttons on, Sue. I always get mixed up when you make me button that kind, for I have some buttons, or button-holes, left over every time."
"This dress only has four buttons on it, Bunny, an' they're big ones."
"That's good!" cried the little fellow, and he had soon buttoned Sue's dress for her. Then the two children went down to breakfast.
"What can we do now, Bunny?" asked Sue, as they arose from the table. "We want to have some fun."
"Yes," said Bunny. "We do."
That was about all he and Sue thought of when they did not have to go to school. They were always looking for some way to have fun. And they found it, nearly always.
For Bunny Brown was a bright, daring little chap, always ready to do something, and very often he got into mischief when looking for fun. Nor was that the worst of it, for he took Sue with him wherever he went, so she fell into mischief too. But she didn't mind. She was always as ready for fun as was Bunny, and the two had many good times together--"The Brown twins," some persons called them, though they were not, for Bunny was a year older than Sue, being six, while she was only a little over five, about "half-past five," as she used to say, while Bunny was "growing on seven."
"Yes," said Bunny slowly, as he went out on the shady porch with his sister Sue, "we want to have some fun."
"Let's go down to the fish dock," said Sue. "We haven't seen the boats for a long time. We didn't see any while we were at grandpa's."
"Course not," agreed Bunny. "They don't have boats on a farm. But we had a nice ride on the duck pond, on the raft, Sue."
"Yes, we did, Bunny. But we got all wet and muddy." Sue laughed as she remembered that, and so did Bunny.
"All right, we'll go down to the fish dock," agreed the little boy.
Their father, Mr. Walter Brown, was in the boat business at Bellemere, on Sandport bay, near the ocean. Mr. Brown owned many boats, and fishermen hired some, to go away out on the ocean, and catch fish and lobsters. Other men hired sail boats, row boats or gasoline motor boats to take rides in on the ocean or bay, and often Bunny and Sue would have boat trips, too.
The children always liked to go down to the fish dock, and watch the boats of the fishermen come in, laden with what the men had caught in their nets. Mr. Brown had an office on the fish dock.
"Where are you two children going?" called Mrs. Brown after Bunny and Sue, as they went out the front gate.
"Down to Daddy's dock," replied Bunny.
"Well, be careful you don't fall in the water."
"We won't," promised Sue. "Wait 'til I get my doll, Bunny!" she called to her brother.
She ran back into the house, and came out, in a little while, carrying a big doll.
"I didn't take you to grandpa's with me," said Sue, talking to the doll as
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