Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue and Their Shetland Pony | Page 3

Laura Lee Hope
Sue and Sadie West stood behind her.
"Did you want to see me, Bunker?" asked Mrs. Brown.
"Yes'm," answered the boy. "Mr. Brown sent me up to get the ark. He
wants me to drive it over to Simpson's garage, in East Milford, to have
it looked over and fixed. I thought if I went into the barn and took the

machine out without telling you, maybe you'd think some gypsies ran
away with it."
"Why! are there any gypsies around now, Bunker?" asked Mrs. Brown.
"Yes, I heard the other day that a band of them was camping up along
the creek. But I guess they won't come bothering around here."
"If they do I'll sic Splash, my dog, on 'em," said Bunny.
"Yes, I guess Splash will scare off the gypsies," agreed Bunker Blue
with a laugh. Then he added: "So, now I've told you what I'm going to
do, Mrs. Brown, I'll go and get the ark and drive it over."
"All right, Bunker," said Mrs. Brown. "Is my husband very busy?"
"Yes'm. A big boatload of fish just came in, and he's seeing to having
'em iced."
"Oh, then he can't come up. I was just going to telephone that I want
the sideboard moved to the other end of the room, and it's too heavy for
Uncle Tad to manage alone. I thought Mr. Brown might run up and
help, but if he's so busy with the fish----"
"I'll help," offered Bunker. "I'm not in such a hurry as all that. I'll help
Uncle Tad move the sideboard, and then I'll get the auto."
"Can't we go with you?" begged Sue. "Can't we have a ride in the ark,
"Oh, my, no!" exclaimed Mrs. Brown. "Bunker can't be bothered with
you children."
"I wouldn't mind taking them, ma'am," said the fish boy. "In fact, I'd
like to, but their father didn't say anything about it. Besides, I'll have to
walk back from East Milford after I leave the ark there to be fixed. It'd
be too far for them to walk back."
"Of course it would. Run along now, Bunny and Sue, and have some

fun by yourselves. Don't bother Bunker."
Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue stood on the side porch looking at one
another as Bunker went in the house to help Uncle Tad move the
sideboard. Uncle Tad was an old soldier who lived with the Brown
family. He was Mr. Brown's uncle, but Bunny and Sue thought they
owned just as much of the dear old man as did their father. Sadie West,
who had crawled in under the fence instead of going around by the gate,
ran home again, leaving Bunny and Sue by themselves.
"Say, Sue," began Bunny in a low voice, looking toward the house to
make sure his mother and Bunker Blue had gone inside.
"What, Bunny?" asked the little girl.
"I know what we can do," went on Bunny.
This time Bunny whispered.
"We can go out to the barn," he said in a low voice, his lips close to his
sister's ear, "an' get in the ark when Bunker doesn't see us. He can't see
us 'cause he's in the house helping Uncle Tad move the sideboard. We
can easy get in the ark."
"What for?" Sue wanted to know. "Bunker said he wouldn't give us a
"Yes. But if we're in there he'll have to!"
"Why?" asked Sue.
"'Cause," whispered Bunny, "he won't know we're in there at all, Sue!"
"Won't he?" asked Sue, her eyes shining.
"Nope! While Bunker's in the house helping Uncle Tad move the
sideboard, we'll crawl in the back end of the ark. And we'll keep awful

still, and we'll have a nice ride over to East Milford, and Bunker won't
know a thing about it!"
"Oh, let's do it!" cried Sue, always ready to take part in the tricks
Bunny thought of. "Let's do it! I'll take my doll!"
"And I'll take my little lifeboat. 'Tisn't all made yet, but that won't hurt!
Come on!"
Quietly the two children tiptoed down off the side porch. Through the
open dining-room windows they could hear Bunker Blue and Uncle
Tad moving the sideboard.
Out to the barn went Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue. In the barn was
the ark--the big auto--as large as a moving van. In it the whole Brown
family had made a tour the previous summer. It really was like an ark,
for it had rooms in it where the children and grown-ups could sleep,
and a place to cook and eat meals.
"Now don't make any noise!" whispered Bunny to his sister. "We'll just
crawl inside the ark and cover up with blankets, and Bunker won't
know we're here. Then he'll start off and
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