Bucholz and the Detectives | Page 9

Allan Pinkerton
pallid, rigid face,
with blood drops upon the sunken cheeks, told them too plainly that the
life of that old man had departed, and that they stood in the awful
presence of death.
Murdered! A terrible word, even when used in the recital of an event
that happened long ago. An awful word to be uttered by the cheerful
fireside as we read of the ordinary circumstances of every-day life. But
what horrible intensity is given to the enunciation of its syllables when
it is forced from the trembling lips of stalwart men, as they stand like
weird spirits in the darkness of the night, and with staring eyes, behold
the bleeding victim of a man's foul deed. It seemed to thrill the ears and
freeze the blood of the listeners, as old Farmer Allen, kneeling down by
that lifeless form, pronounced the direful word.
It seemed to penetrate the air confusedly--not as a word, but as a sound
of fear and dread. The wind seemed to take up the burden of the sad
refrain, and whispered it shudderingly to the tall trees that shook their
trembling branches beneath its blast.

I wonder did it penetrate into the crime-stained heart of him who had
laid this harmless old man low? Was it even now ringing in his ears?
Ah, strive as he may--earth and sky and air will repeat in chorus that
dreadful sound, which is but the echo of his own accusing conscience,
and he will never cease to hear it until, worn and weary, the plotting
brain shall cease its functions, and the murderous heart shall be cold
and pulseless in a dishonored grave.
The Excitement in the Village.--The Coroner's Investigation.--The
Secret Ambuscade.
Samuel Waring knelt down beside the form of the old man, and laid his
trembling hand upon the heart that had ceased to throb forever.
"He is dead!" he uttered, in a low, subdued voice, as though he too was
impressed with the solemnity of the scene.
Bucholz uttered a half articulate moan, and grasped more firmly in his
nerveless hand the pistol which he carried.
One of the neighbors who had accompanied the party was about to
search the pockets of the murdered man, when Farmer Allen, raising
his hand, cried:
"Stop! This is work for the law. A man has been murdered, and the
officers of the law must be informed of it. Who will go?"
Samuel Waring and Bucholz at once volunteered their services and
started towards the village to notify the coroner, and those whose duty
it was to take charge of such cases.
Farmer Allen gazed at the rigid form of the old man lying there before
him, whose life had been such an enigma to his neighbors, then at the
retreating forms of the two men who were slowly wending their way to
the village, and a strange, uncertain light came into his eyes as he thus
looked. He said nothing, however, of the thoughts that occupied his

mind, and after bidding the others watch beside the body, he returned to
his own home and informed the frightened females of what had been
The news spread with wonderful rapidity, and soon the dreadful tidings
were the theme of universal conversation. A man rushed into the saloon
in which the old man and Bucholz had drank their beer, and cried out:
"The old man that was in here to-night has been murdered!"
Instantly everybody were upon their feet. The old gentleman was
generally known, and although no one was intimately acquainted with
him, all seemed to evince an interest in the cause of his death.
Many rumors were at once put in circulation, and many wild and
extravagant stories were soon floating through the crowds that gathered
at the corners of the streets.
Samuel Waring and Bucholz had gone directly to the office of the
coroner, and informing him of the sad affair, had proceeded to the
drug-store in the village, with the view of having the wounds upon his
face dressed. They were found to be of a very slight character, and a
few pieces of court-plaster dexterously applied were all that seemed to
be required.
By this time the coroner had succeeded in impanneling a jury to
accompany him to the scene of the murder, and they proceeded in a
body toward the place. The lights from the lanterns, held by those who
watched beside the body, directed them to the spot, and they soon
arrived at the scene of the tragedy.
The coroner immediately took charge of the body, and the physician
who accompanied him made an examination into the cause of his death.
Upon turning the body over, two ugly gashes were found in the back of
his head, one of them cutting completely through
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