Buchanans Journal of Man, February 1887 | Page 5

Joseph Rodes Buchanan
War; The Sinaloa Colony; Medical Despotism; Mind in Nature Physiological Discoveries in the College of Therapeutics Business Department, College of Therapeutics
3. APRIL.--Psychometry: The Divine Science A Modern Miracle-Worker Human Longevity Justice to the Indians MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE--Anatomy of the Brain; Mesmeric Cures; Medical Despotism; The Dangerous Classes; Arbitration; Criticism on the Church; Earthquakes and Predictions
Chapter II.
Of Outlines of Anthropology; Structure of the Brain
4. MAY.--The Prophetic Faculty: War and Peace Clearing away the Fog The Danger of living among Christians: A Question of peace or war Legislative Quackery, Ignorance, and Blindness to the Future Evils that need Attention What is Intellectual Greatness Spiritual Wonders--Slater's Tests; Spirit Pictures; Telegraphy; Music; Slate Writing; Fire Test MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE--Erratum; Co-operation; Emancipation; Inventors; Important Discovery; Saccharine; Sugar; Artificial Ivory; Paper Pianos; Social Degeneracy; Prevention of Cruelty; Value of Birds; House Plants; Largest Tunnel; Westward Empire Structure of the Brain
Chapter III.
Genesis of the Brain To the Readers of the Journal--College of Therapeutics Journal of Man--Language of Press and Readers
5. JUNE.--The Most Marvellous Triumph of Educational Science The Grand Symposium of the Wise Men The Burning Question in Education MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE--Bigotry and Liberality; Religious News; Abolishing Slavery; Old Fogy Biography; Legal Responsibility in Hypnotism; Pasteur's Cure for Hydrophobia; Lulu Hurst; Land Monopoly; Marriage in Mexico; The Grand Symposium; A New Mussulman Empire; Psychometric Imposture; Our Tobacco Bill; Extinct Animals; Education Genesis of the Brain (concluded)
6. JULY.--Magnetic Education and Therapeutics The So-Called Scientific Immortality Review of the New Education Victoria's Half Century Outlook of Diogenes A Bill to Destroy the Indians MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE--The Seybert Commission; The Evils that need Attention; Condensed Items--Mesmerism in Paris--Medical Freedom--Victoria's Jubilee; Delightful Homes Outlines of Anthropology Continued--Cranioscopy--Illustrated
7. AUGUST.--Creation's Mysteries A True Poet--The Poetry of Peace and the Practice of War The Volapuk Language Progress of the Marvellous Glances Round the World MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE--Photography Perfected; The Canon King; Land Monopoly; The Grand Canals; The Survival of Barbarism; Concord Philosophy; The Andover War; The Catholic Rebellion; Stupidity of Colleges; Cremation; Col. Henry S. Olcott; Jesse Shepard; Prohibition Longevity; Increase of insanity; Extraordinary Fasting; Spiritual Papers Cranioscopy (Continued) Practical Utility of Anthropology in its Psychic Department
8. SEPTEMBER.--Concord Symposium Rectification of Cerebral Science Human Longevity MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE--An important Discovery; Jennie Collins; Greek Philosophy; Symposiums; Literature of the Past; The Concord School; New Books; Solar Biology; Dr. Franz Hartmann; Progress of Chemistry; Astronomy; Geology Illustrated; A Mathematical Prodigy; Astrology in England; Primogeniture Abolished; Medical Intolerance and Cunning; Negro Turning White; The Cure of Hydrophobia; John Swinton's Paper; Women's Rights and Progress; Spirit writing; Progress of the Marvellous
Chapter VII.
--Practical Utility of Anthropology (Concluded)
Chapter VIII.
--The Origin and Foundation of the New Anthropology
9. OCTOBER.--The Oriental View of Anthropology MISCELLANEOUS INTELLIGENCE--Religion and Science; Good Psychology; The Far-away Battle; How not to do it; Robbery of Public Lands; Land Reform in England; Life in Europe; Education in France; Canada and the Union; Woman in the Moon; Emancipation from Petticoats; Women's Rights on the Streets; A Woman's Triumph in Paris; A Woman's Bible; Work for Women; Mrs. Stanton on the Jubilee; Electricity; Progress of the Telegraph; The Mystery of the Ages; Progress of the Marvellous; A Grand Aerolite; The Boy Pianist; Centenarians; Educated Monkeys; Causes of Idiocy; A Powerful Temperance Argument; Slow Progress; Community Doctors; The Selfish System of Society; Educated Beetles; Rustless Iron; Weighing the Earth; Head and Heart; The Rectification of Cerebral Science
Chapter IX.
--Rectification of Cerebral Science, Correcting the Organology of Gall and Spurzheim
10. NOVEMBER.--The Slow Triumph of Truth Old Industrial Education An Incomparable "Medical Outlaw" Educational.--Educational Reform in England; Dead Languages Vanishing; Higher Education of Women; Bad Sunday-School Books; Our Barbarous Orthography Critical.--European Barbarism; Boston Civilization; Monopoly; Woman's Drudgery; Christian Civilization; Walt Whitman; Temperance Scientific.--Extension of Astronomy; A New Basis for Chemistry; Chloroform in Hydrophobia; The Water Question; Progress of Homoeopathy: Round the World Quickly Glances Round the World (concluded from August) Rectification of Cerebral Science (illustrated)
11. DECEMBER.--The World's Neglected or Forgotten Leaders and Pioneers Social Conditions--Expenses at Harvard; European Wages; India as a Wheat Producer; Increase of Insanity; Temperance; Flamboyant Animalism Transcendental Hash Just Criticism Progress of discovery and Improvement--Autotelegraphy; Edison's Phonograph; Type-setting Eclipsed; Printing in Colors; Steam Wagon; Fruit Preserving; Napoleon's Manuscript; Peace; Capital Punishment; Antarctic Explorations; The Desert shall Blossom as the Rose Life and Death--Marvellous Examples Outlines of Anthropology (continued) Chapter X.--The Law of Location in Organology
12. JANUARY.--The Pursuit of Truth Occultism defined Psychic Phenomena The Ancient Iberians The Star Dust of the Universe MISCELLANEOUS--Bright Literature; The Two Worlds; Foote's Health Monthly; Psychic Theories; Twentieth Century Science, Dawning at the end of the Nineteenth; Comparative Speed of Light and Electricity; Wonderful Photography; Wooden Cloth; The Phylloxera; Falling Rents; Boston Civilization; Psychic Blundering; Beecher's Mediumship; A Scientific Cataract; Obstreperous and Pragmatic Vulgarity; Hygiene; Quinine; Life and Death; Dorothea L. Dix; The Drift of Catholicism, Juggernaut The Principal Methods of Studying the Brain Responses of Readers--Medical Orthodoxy

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