Brother and Sister | Page 4

Josephine Lawrence
drop-cake for you."
Brother paddled down the steps, went halfway to the front hedge, and
then turned.
"Oh, Grandma!" he shouted. "Do you know what I think Ralph is going
to give me? I think it's a tool-chest!"
"I hope it's like this to-morrow!"
Brother stood on the front porch, flattening his nose against the screen
door and sniffing the fragrant June sunshine.
Ever since his unsuccessful attempt to find out from Grandma Hastings
what Ralph's present was to be, it had rained. That was three days ago,
so you may be sure the whole Morrison family were very glad to see
the sun again. Especially as the very next day was Brother's birthday.
"Brother, I'm going down town to buy the favors for your party,"
announced Louise, who sat in the porch hammock crocheting a sweater.
"Wouldn't you like to go with me?"
Brother thought he would.
"Take me?" begged Sister, falling over the small broom she carried, in
her eagerness to be one of the party. "It's my turn, Louise, honestly it
"Well, you see, I can't very well take you both," explained Louise
kindly. "Mrs. Adams is going to call for me with her car, and it
wouldn't be polite to ask her to take two children; and as it is Brother's
birthday, he ought to be the one to go--don't you think so?"
Sister nodded, though her lower lip trembled suspiciously. And when

Mrs. Adams drove her shiny automobile up to the curb, and Louise and
Brother were whisked away in it, two big tears rolled down Sister's
round cheeks.
"Why, honey!" Grace, the other twin sister, swinging her tennis racquet,
came through the hall and saw the tears. "What you crying for?" she
asked. "Everyone gone and left you? I'll tell you what to do--you go out
in the kitchen and take a peep at what is on the table and you won't feel
like crying another moment."
"What is it?" asked Sister cautiously.
She wasn't going to stop crying and then find out she had been cheated.
"You go look," answered Grace mysteriously.
So sister started for the kitchen and Grace ran off to her game of tennis
with Jimmie.
The kitchen was in perfect order and very quiet. Molly was upstairs
making the beds, and Mother Morrison was planning the party with
Grandmother Hastings.
"Oh!" said Sister softly as she saw what was on the table. "Oh, my!"
For right in the center of the white-topped table, on a large pink plate,
perched Brother's birthday cake! It was a beautiful cake, perfectly
round and very smooth and brown.
"But the icing!" said Sister aloud. "There's no ICING! I s'pose Molly
didn't have time."
If Sister had stopped to think, she would have remembered that all the
birthday cakes Molly made--and she made seven every year for the
Morrisons, and one for Grandmother Hastings--were always iced with
pink or white or chocolate icing.
But, you see, she didn't stop to think, and when she discovered a bowl
of lovely creamy white stuff on the small table between the windows,

this small girl decided that she would ice the cake and save Molly the
There was a little film of water over the top of the bowl, but Sister took
a wooden spoon and stirred it carefully, and the water mixed nicely
with the white stuff, so that she had a bowl filled with the smoothest,
whitest "icing" any cook could ask for.
"I'll get a silver knife to spread it with," said Sister, who had often
watched Molly, and knew what to do.
She brought the knife from the dining-room and had just put one broad
streak of white across the top of the cake when Molly came down the
back stairs and saw her.
"Sister!" cried Molly. "What are you doing with my cold starch?"
"I'm icing the cake," answered Sister calmly. "You forgot it, I guess."
Poor Molly grabbed the bowl from Sister's hands.
"Can't I leave the kitchen one minute that you don't get into mischief?"
she scolded. "This isn't ICING--it's STARCH for Mr. Jimmie's collars.
I'm going to make a beautiful chocolate icing for the cake this
afternoon and write Brother's name on it in white frosting."
"Oh!" said Sister meekly.
"Go on upstairs, do," Molly urged her. "I've my hands full today getting
ready for the party; can't you find something nice to do upstairs?"
Thus sped on her way, Sister reluctantly mounted the stairs to the
second floor.
"I could play jacks with Nellie Yarrow," she said to herself. "Only she's
lost her jackstones and I can't find mine. What's that on Dick's bureau?"
Ralph and Jimmie roomed together, but Dick had a room of his own,
and though Sister was strictly forbidden
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