Brave and Bold | Page 4

Horatio Alger Jr.
she had accepted my escort, Halbert came up, and in a
condescending way, informed her that he would see her home."

"What did she say?"
"She told him she was engaged to me. He said, coolly, that he would
relieve me of the duty, but I declined his obliging offer. He looked mad
enough, I can tell you. He's full of self-conceit, and I suppose he
wondered how any one could prefer me to him."
"I am sorry you have incurred his enmity."
"I didn't lose any sleep by it."
"You know his father is the superintendent of the factory."
"Halbert isn't."
"But he may prejudice his father against you, and get you discharged."
"I don't think he would be quite so mean as that. We won't borrow
trouble, mother. But time's up, and I must go."
Robert seized his hat and hurried to the mill. He was in his place when
the great factory bell stopped ringing on the stroke of seven, and so
escaped the fine, which would have cut off one-quarter of a day's pay.
Meanwhile, Halbert Davis had passed an uncomfortable and restless
night. He had taken a fancy to Hester Paine, and he had fully
determined to escort her home on the previous evening. As she was
much sought after among her young companions, it would have
gratified his pride to have it known that she had accepted his company.
But he had been cut out, and by Robert Rushton--one of his father's
factory hands. This made his jealousy more intolerable, and humiliated
his pride, and set him to work devising schemes for punishing Robert's
presumption. He felt that it was Robert's duty, even though he had been
accepted, to retire from the field as soon as his, Halbert's, desire was
known. This Robert had expressly declined to do, and Halbert felt very
indignant. He made up his mind that he would give Robert a chance to
apologize, and if he declined to do so he would do what he could to get
him turned out of the factory.

At twelve o'clock the factory bell pealed forth a welcome sound to the
hundreds who were busily at work within the great building. It was the
dinner hour, and a throng of men, women and children poured out of
the great portals and hastened to their homes or boarding houses to dine.
Among them was Robert Rushton. As he was walking homeward with
his usual quick, alert step, he came upon Halbert Davis, at the corner of
the street.
Halbert was dressed carefully, and, as usual, was swinging his cane in
his gloved hand. Robert would have passed him with a nod, but Halbert,
who was waiting for him, called out:
"I say, you fellow, stop a minute. I want to speak to you."
"Are you addressing me?" asked Robert, with a pride as great as his
"Then you had better mend your manners."
"What do you mean?" demanded Halbert, his sallow face slightly
"My name is Robert Rushton. Call me by either of these names when
you speak to me, and don't say 'you fellow.'"
"It seems to me," sneered Halbert, "that you are putting on airs for a
factory boy."
"I am a factory boy, I acknowledge, and am not ashamed to
acknowledge it. Is this all you have to say to me? If so, I will pass on,
as I am in haste."
"I have something else to say to you. You were impudent to me last
"Was I? Tell me how."

"Did you not insist on going home with Hester Paine, when I had
offered my escort?"
"What of that?"
"You forget your place."
"My place was at Hester Paine's side, since she had accepted my
"It was very presumptuous in a factory boy like you offering your
escort to a young lady like Miss Paine."
"I don't see it," said Robert, independently; "and I don't think it struck
Hester in that light. We had a very agreeable walk."
Halbert was provoked and inflamed with jealousy, and the look with
which he regarded our hero was by no means friendly.
"You mustn't regard yourself as Miss Paine's equal because she
condescended to walk with you," he said. "You had better associate
with those of your own class hereafter, and not push yourself in where
your company is not agreeable."
"Keep your advice to yourself, Halbert Davis," said Robert, hotly, for
he felt the insult conveyed in these words. "If I am a factory boy I don't
intend to submit to your impertinence; and I advise you to be careful
what you say. As to Miss Hester Paine, I shall not ask your permission
to walk with her, but shall do so whenever she chooses to accept my
escort. Has she
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