Blender Game Engine Overview | Page 8

Blender org
a Set Scene actuator. This means the
player has to both hover the mouse over the menu button and click to get to the next scene.

OR Controller
An OR controller activates the actuators it is connected to if at least one of its sensors is activated. If just
one sensor is connected to the controller it will pass on the posit ive pulse when that sensor is activated, if
more sensors are connected, only one of them need to be activated. OR is not exclusive, which means it
works like an AND controller too: if all sensors are activated the OR controller will still pass the
pulse. XOR controller is an exclusive or controller.

You want both the Esc and the Q keys to quit your game. You set up two Keyboard sensors, one
with Esc key and one with Q key. Both are then connected to an OR controller which is connected to
an Quit this game actuator. If one of the two sensors is activated the game will then qui t.

XOR Controller
XOR controller is an Exclusive OR controller. Exclusive means that one, and only one , of the sensors has
to be positive. If there is only one sensor connected to the contro ller it will activate its actuators when that
sensor sends a positive pulse. If more sensors are connected the controller will activate its actuators only
when one, no matter which, of the sensors is positive. If both sensors are positive, it will not activate.


NAND Controller
NAND is short for Not And. In logic, not negates the outcome, Not And is therefore the opposite of
an ANDcontroller. An AND controller activates actuators only when all sensors are tr iggered,
a NAND controller does the opposite. Whenever not all the sensors are true, actuators are activated. If
only one sensor is connected to the controller, actuators are ac tivated when the sensor is not triggered
(behaving like a simple NOT logic gate).



NOR Controller
NOR is a Not OR controller, it is the opposite of an OR Controller. A NOR Controller will only activate
actuators if none of the sensors are triggered.


XNOR Controller
XNOR is an Exclusive Not OR controller. While sounding confusing it just has the opposite output of
a XORcontroller. XNOR activates actuators when more or less than one sensor is tr iggered.


Expression Controller
This controller evaluates a user written expression, which results in either true or false ( 1 or 0).
In this case the Expression controller checks that the sensor's signal, called “sensor”, is true and that the
value of a property called “prop”. is equal to 1.
see Expressions

Python Controller
The Python controller is a controller that checks the input using a user-pr ogrammed script, a.k.a. a Python
script or any other file containing Python code. Python controllers have two modes: Script or Module.
Both can be written in the text editor and stored inside the .blend file, or they can be external script files.
More information on Python inside BGE can be found here.

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