Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe | Page 7

Thaddeus Mason Harris
Turks took it from the
Transylvanians in 1552, and fortified it to a degree that they deemed it
impregnable. After several severe conflicts, and a most desperate
resistance, it capitulated on the 14th of October, 1716, and the Turks
entirely evacuated the place on the 17th. Thus the capital of a region of

the same name, was restored to its lawful prince after having been in
the hands of the Turks 164 years. "The success of this victorious
campaign filled not only Germany, but all Europe with joy." On this
occasion, Oglethorpe acted as aid-de-camp; and his active service in
attendance upon Prince Eugene; his prompt attention to the orders
dictated to him, or transmitted by him; his alertness and fidelity in
communicating them; and his fearless exposure to imminent peril in
passing from one division of the army to another, gained him
commendatory acknowledgments and the increased favor of his Serene
Notwithstanding these signal victories gained over them, the Turks
were determined to continue the contest; and the next year the Grand
Signior held a great Divan at Constantinople to take measures for its
most vigorous prosecution. These purposes being put in train, Prince
Eugene undertook the siege of Belgrade, their chief strong hold. "The
Turks advanced to its relief, and besieged him in his camp. His danger
was imminent; but military skill and disciplined valor triumphed over
numbers and savage ferocity. He sallied out of his intrenchments, and,
falling suddenly upon the enemy, routed them with great slaughter, and
took their cannon, baggage, and everything belonging to their camp.
Belgrade surrendered immediately after."[1] On the 16th of August,
(1717) the capitulation was signed; and immediately afterwards the
Imperialists took possession of a gate, and the out-works; on the 19th
Te Deum was solemnly performed in the tent of the Grand Vizier,
which had become occupied by Eugene, and on the 22d the place was
evacuated. The Imperialists found prodigious riches in the camp of
which they had become possessed; "for the Sultan had emptied his
coffers to supply this army, which was by far the most numerous of any
set on foot since the famous siege of Vienna."[2]
[Footnote 1: Russell's Modern Europe, Vol. V. p. 3.]
[Footnote 2: CAMPBELL'S Military History of Eugene, Vol. II. p.
"Such was the conclusion of the siege of Belgrade; a place of the last
importance to the Imperialists and to the Turks; the bridle of all the

adjoining country; the glorious trophy of the valor and conduct of his
Serene Highness, Prince Eugene; and the bulwark, not of Germany
only, but of all Christendom on this side."
"Oglethorpe was in active command at the siege and battle of Belgrade,
on the south shore of the Danube, in 1717; where he acquired a high
and deserved reputation."[1]
[Footnote 1: _Gentleman's Magazine_ for 1785, p. 573.]
In the postscript of a letter from Alexander Pope, dated September 8th,
1717, to Edward Blount, Esq., is this remark: "I hope you will take part
in the rejoicing for the victory of Prince Eugene over the Turks, &c." to
which Dr. Warton subjoins this note; "at which General Oglethorpe
was present, and of which I have heard him give a lively description."
The peace which took place in the following year between the Emperor
and the Sultan, left Oglethorpe without any active employment; and he
quitted, doubtless with reluctance, the staff of his friend and patron,
prince Eugene, with whom he had so honorably served; and returned to
He was offered preferment in the German service; but it was, probably,
a sufficient reason with him for declining the proffer, that "the
profession of a soldier in time of peace affords but few opportunities of
promotion, and none of distinction."
In the year 1722, succeeding his brother Lewis in the inheritance of the
estate at Godalming, his weight of character and family influence
secured to him a seat in Parliament, as Burgess, for Haslemere; and he
continued to represent that borough, by successive elections, and
through various changes of administration, for thirty-two years; and,
"during this long period, he distinguished himself by several able
speeches; and, in the laws for the benefit of trade, &c. many regulations
were proposed and promoted by him."
In this august assembly, he was neither a dumb show, nor an automaton;
nor the tool of party; but independent, intelligent, and energetic,

delivered his opinions freely, spoke often, and always to the
[Footnote 1: See Appendix IV.]
His first recorded speech was on the 6th of April, 1723, against the
banishment of Dr. Francis Atterbury, the Bishop of Rochester, which
he deemed injudicious and needlessly rigorous.[1]
[Footnote 1: History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, Lond.
1742, Vol. VI. p. 308.]
A few years after, his feelings of humanity were powerfully
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