Biographical Memorials of James Oglethorpe | Page 4

Thaddeus Mason Harris
them in selecting a place--They call it Ebenezer--He then goes up the river to Palachicolas--Returns--Goes to Charlestown, with Torno Chichi and other Indians, in order to take passage to England,

Oglethorpe arrives in England with his Indian Escort--Is welcomed by the Trustees--Apartments are provided for the Indians--They are introduced to the King and Royal Family--One of their number dies of the small pox--Visit the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Eton College--Shown the public buildings and institutions in London--Embark for Georgia--Their arrival,

Oglethorpe remains in England--Trustees make Regulations--Oglethorpe, desirous of providing for the conversion of the Indians, applies to Bishop Wilson to prepare a Book of Religious Instruction for them--Trustees seek for Missionaries--Engage John and Charles Wesley,

Trustees make a new selection of Settlers--Their Proposals successful in Scotland--Embarkation of Highlanders for Georgia--Indian hieroglyphic letter sent to the Trustees--Further emigration of Saltzburgers--Great embarkation of Colonists, attended by Oglethorpe and the Missionaries--Employment and religious exercises on board during the voyage--Arrival--Beacon on the Island of Tybee--The people go on shore at Peeper's Island--Oglethorpe goes to Savannah with the Missionaries--Sends provisions and refreshments to the Emigrants--Moore's account of the Public Garden--Tomo Chichi welcomes his friend--Saltzburgers make application for a removal from Ebenezer--Oglethorpe sends pioneers to lay out a road to Darien,

Special destination of the last Emigrants--Oglethorpe makes arrangements for their transportation to the Island of St. Simons--Follows with Charles Wesley--Arrives and lays out a Town to be called Frederica--Visits the Highlanders at Darien--Returns and superintends the building of a Fort--All the people arrive--Barracks for the Soldiers put up, and a Battery erected--Visited by Tomo Chichi, and Indians, who make a cession of the Islands--Reconnoitres the Islands and gives names to them--Commissioners from St. Augustine--Apparently amicable overtures--Oglethorpe goes to Savannah to hold a conference with a Committee from South Carolina respecting trade with the Indians--Insolent demand of the Spaniards--Oglethorpe embarks for England,

Delegation of the Missionaries--JOHN WESLEY stationed at Savannah--Has a conference with Tomo Chichi--His Preaching deemed personal in its applications--He becomes unpopular--Meets with persecution--Leaves the Province and returns to England--CHARLES WESLEY attends Oglethorpe to Frederica--Finds himself unpleasantly situated--Furnished with despatches for the Trustees, he sets out for Charlestown, and thence takes passage for England--By stress of weather the Vessel driven off its course--Puts in at Boston, New England--His reception there--Sails thence for England--After a perilous voyage, arrives--BENJAMIN INGHAM also at Frederica--Goes to Savannah to apprize John Wesley of the sickness of his brother--Resides among the Creeks in order to learn their language--Returns to England--CHARLES DELAMOTTE at Savannah--Keeps a School--Is much respected--GEORGE WHITEFIELD comes to Savannah--His reception--Visits Tomo Chichi, who was sick--Ministerial labors--Visits the Saltzburgers--Pleased with their provision for Orphan Children--Visits Frederica and the adjacent Settlements--Returns to England--Makes a second voyage to Georgia, and takes efficient measures for the erection of an Orphan House,

Oglethorpe arrives in England--Trustees petition the King for military aid to the new Colony--A regiment granted--Oglethorpe appointed Commander in Chief of South Carolina and Georgia--Part of the regiment sent out--Oglethorpe embarks for Georgia the third time--Remainder of the regiment arrive--And two companies from Gibraltar--Prospect of war with Spain--Military preparations at St. Augustine--Oglethorpe makes arrangements for defence--Treason in the Camp--Mutiny, and personal assault on the General,

Oglethorpe visits Savannah--Troubles there--Causton, the store-keeper, displaced--Oglethorpe holds a conference with a deputation of Indians--Town-meeting called, and endeavors used to quiet discontents--Goes back to Frederica, but obliged to renew his visit to Savannah,

Oglethorpe goes to Charlestown, South Carolina, to open his Commission--Comes back to Savannah--Gives encouragement to the Planters--Returns to Frederica--Excursion to Coweta--Forms a Treaty with the Upper Creeks--Receives at Augusta a delegation of the Chickasaws and Cherokees, who complain of having been poisoned by the Traders--On his return to Savannah is informed of Spanish aggressions, and is authorized to make reprisals,

Oglethorpe addresses a letter to Lieutenant-Governor Bull, suggesting an expedition against St. Augustine--Follows this, by application in person--Promised assistance, and cooperation--Returns to Frederica--Collects his forces--Passes over to Florida--Takes several Spanish forts--Is joined by the Carolinian troops--The enemy receive supplies--Oglethorpe changes the siege into a blockade--Takes possession of Anastasia Island--Colonel Palmer and his men surprised and cut to pieces--Spanish cruelties--English fleet quit the station--Siege raised, and Oglethorpe returns to Frederica,

Oglethorpe pays particular attention to internal Improvements--Meets with many annoyances--The Creeks, under Toonahowi, make an incursion into Florida--The Spanish form a design upon Georgia--Some of their fleet appear on the coast--Oglethorpe prepares for defence--Applies to South Carolina for assistance--Spaniards attack Fort William--Dangerous situation of Oglethorpe--Spanish fleet enter the harbor and land on St. Simons--In three successive engagements they are defeated--A successful stratagem--Enemy defeated at Bloody Marsh--Retire and attack Fort William, which is bravely defended by Ensign Stewart--Spanish forces, repulsed in all their assaults, abandon the invasion in dismay, and return to St. Augustine and to Cuba,

Oglethorpe, informed that the Spaniards were making preparations for a renewal of hostilities, takes measures to repel them--Meets with
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