Beulah | Page 6

Augusta J. Evans
madam, she has not been sick exactly; but somehow she never

looks strong and hearty like the others. She works well enough. There
is not a better or more industrious girl in the asylum; but I rather think
she studies too much. She will sit up and read of nights, when the
others are all sound asleep; and very often, when Kate and I put out the
hall lamp, we find her with her book alone in the cold. I can't get my
consent to forbid her reading, especially as it never interferes with her
regular work, and she is so fond of it." As the kind-hearted matron
uttered these words she glanced at the child and sighed involuntarily.
"You are too indulgent, Mrs. Williams; we cannot afford to feed and
clothe girls of her age, to wear themselves out reading trash all night.
We are very much in arrears at best, and I think some plan should be
adopted to make these large girls, who have been on hand so long,
more useful. What do you say, ladies?" Miss Dorothea looked around
for some encouragement and support in her move.
"Well, for my part, Miss White, I think that child is not strong enough
to do much hard work; she always has looked delicate and pale," said
Mrs. Taylor, an amiable-looking woman, who had taken one of the
youngest orphans on her knee.
"My dear friend, that is the very reason. She does not exercise
sufficiently to make her robust. Just look at her face and hands, as
bloodless as a turnip."
"Beulah, do ask her to give you some of her beautiful color; she looks
exactly like a cake of tallow, with two glass beads in the middle--"
"Hush!" and Beulah's hand was pressed firmly over Claudia's crimson
lips, lest the whisper of the indignant little brunette should reach ears
for which it was not intended.
As no one essayed to answer Miss White, the matron ventured to
suggest a darling scheme of her own.
"I have always hoped the managers would conclude to educate her for a
teacher. She is so studious, I know she would learn very rapidly."
"My dear madam, you do not in the least understand what you are

talking about. It would require at least five years' careful training to fit
her to teach, and our finances do not admit of any such expenditure. As
the best thing for her, I should move to bind her out to a mantua-maker
or milliner, but she could not stand the confinement. She would go off
with consumption in less than a year. There is the trouble with these
delicate children."
"How is the babe that was brought here last week?" asked Mrs. Taylor.
"Oh, he is doing beautifully. Bring him round the table, Susan," and the
rosy, smiling infant was handed about for closer inspection. A few
general inquiries followed, and then Beulah was not surprised to hear
the order given for the children to retire, as the managers had some
especial business with their matron. The orphan band defiled into the
hall, and dispersed to their various occupations, but Beulah approached
the matron, and whispered something, to which the reply was:
"No; if you have finished that other apron, you shall sew no more
to-day. You can pump a fresh bucket of water, and then run out into the
yard for some air."
She performed the duty assigned to her, and then hastened to the
dormitory, whither Lillian and Claudia had preceded her. The latter was
standing on a chair, mimicking Miss Dorothea, and haranguing her sole
auditor, in a nasal twang, which she contrived to force from her
beautiful, curling lips. At sight of Beulah she sprang toward her,
"You shall be a teacher if you want to, shan't you, Beulah?"
"I am afraid not, Claudy. But don't say any more about her; she is not
as kind as our dear matron, or some of the managers, but she thinks she
is right. Remember, she made these pretty blue curtains round your and
Lilly's bed."
"I don't care if she did. All the ladies were making them, and she did no
more than the rest. Never mind; I shall be a young lady some of these
days,--our matron says I will be beautiful enough to marry the

President,--and then I will see whether Miss Dorothy Red-head comes
meddling and bothering you any more." The brilliant eyes dilated with
pleasure at the thought of the protection which the future lady-President
would afford her protegee.
Beulah smiled, and asked almost gayly:
"Claudy, how much will you pay me a month, to dress you and keep
your hair in order, when you get into the White House at Washington?"
"Oh, you dear darling! you shall have everything you
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