Beautiful Joe | Page 3

Marshall Saunders
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Prepared by David Reed [email protected] or [email protected]

Beautiful Joe
by Marshall Saunders

Beautiful Joe an Autobiography By Marshall Saunders With an Introduction By
Hezekiah Butterworth Of Youth's Companion Philadelphia

To George Thorndike Angell President of the American Humane Education Society The
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention Of Cruelty to Animals, and the Parent
American Band of Mercy 19 Milk St., Boston. This Book Is Respectfully Dedicated By
the Author

BEAUTIFUL JOE is a real dog, and "Beautiful Joe" is his real name. He belonged during
the first part of his life to a cruel master, who mutilated him in the manner described in
the story. He was rescued from him, and is now living in a happy home with pleasant
surroundings, and enjoys a wide local celebrity.
The character of Laura is drawn from life, and to the smallest detail is truthfully depicted.
The Morris family has its counterparts in real life, and nearly all of the incidents of the
story are founded on fact.

The wonderfully successful book, entitled "Black Beauty," came like a living voice out of
the animal kingdom. But it spake for the horse, and made other books necessary; it led
the way. After the ready welcome that it received, and the good it has accomplished and
is doing, it follows naturally that some one should be inspired to write a book to interpret

the life of a dog to the humane feeling of the world. Such a story we have in "Beautiful
The story speaks not for the dog alone, but for the whole animal kingdom. Through it we
enter the animal world, and are made to see as animals see, and to feel as animals feel.
The sympathetic sight of the author, in this interpretation, is ethically the strong feature of
the book.
Such books as this is one of the needs of our progressive system of education. The
day-school, the Sunday-school, and all libraries for the young, demand the influence that
shall teach the reader how to live in sympathy with the animal world; how to understand
the languages of the creatures that we have long been accustomed to call "dumb," and the
sign language of the lower orders of these dependent beings. The church owes it to her
mission to preach and to teach the enforcement of the "bird's nest commandment;" the
principle recognized by Moses in the Hebrew world, and echoed by Cowper in English
poetry, and Burns
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