Beacon Lights of History, Volume 11 | Page 2

John Lord
Fairfax Washington as surveyor Aide to General Braddock Member of the House of Burgesses Marriage, and life at Mount Vernon Member of the Continental Congress General-in-chief of the American armies His peculiarities as general At Cambridge Organization of the army Defence of Boston British evacuation of Boston Washington in New York Retreat from New York In New Jersey Forlorn condition of the army Arrival at the Delaware Fabian Policy The battle of Trenton Intrenchment at Morristown Expulsion of the British from New Jersey The gloomy winter of 1777 Washington defends Philadelphia Battle of Germantown Surrender of Burgoyne Intrigues of Gates Baron Steuben Winter at Valley Forge British evacuation of Philadelphia Battle of Monmouth Washington at White Plains Benedict Arnold Military operations at the South General Greene Lord Cornwallis His surrender at Yorktown Close of the war Washington at Mount Vernon Elected president Alexander Hamilton John Jay Washington as president Establishment of United States Bank Rivalries and dissensions between Hamilton and Jefferson French intrigues Jay treaty Citizen Genet Washington's administrations Retirement of Washington Death, character, and services
Hamilton's youth Education Precocity of intellect State of political parties on the breaking out of the Revolutionary War Their principles Their great men Hamilton leaves college for the army Selected by Washington as his aide-de-camp at the age of nineteen His early services to Washington Suggestions to members of Congress Trials and difficulties of the patriots Demoralization of the country Hamilton in active military service Leaves the army; marries; studies law Opening of his legal career His peculiarities as a lawyer Contrasted with Aaron Burr Hamilton enters political life Sees the necessity of a constitution Convention at Annapolis Convention at Philadelphia The remarkable statesmen assembled Discussion of the Convention Great questions at issue Constitution framed Influence of Hamilton in its formation Its ratification by the States "The Federalist" Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury His transcendent financial genius Restores the national credit His various political services as statesman The father of American industry Protection Federalists and Republicans Hamilton's political influence after his retirement Resumes the law His quarrel with Burr His duel His death Burr's character and crime Hamilton's services His lasting influence
The Adams family Youth and education of John Adams New England in the eighteenth century Adams as orator As lawyer The Stamp Act The "Boston Massacre" Effects of English taxation Destruction of tea at Boston Adams sent to Congress His efforts to secure national independence Criticisms of the Congress Battles of Lexington and Concord Adams moves Washington's appointment as general-in-chief Sent to France Adams as diplomatist His jealousy of Franklin Adams in England As vice-president Aristocratic sympathies As president Formation of political parties The Federalists; the Republicans Adams compared with Jefferson Discontent of Adams Strained relations between France and the United States The Alien and Sedition laws Decline of the Federal party Adams's tenacity of office His services to the State Adams in retirement
Thomas Jefferson Birth and early education Law studies Liberal principles Practises law Successful, but no orator Enters the House of Burgesses Marries a rich widow Builds "Monticello" Member of the Continental Congress Drafts the Declaration of Independence Enters the State Legislature Governor of Virginia Appointed minister to France Hails the French Revolution Services as a diplomatist Secretary of state Rivalry with Hamilton Love of peace Founds the Democratic party Contrasted with Hamilton Becomes vice-president Inaugurated as president Policy as president The purchase of Louisiana Aaron Burr His brilliant career and treasonable schemes Arrest and trial Subsequent reverses The Non-importation Act Strained relations between France and the United States English aggressions The peace policy of Jefferson The embargo Triumph of the Democratic party Results of universal suffrage Private life of Jefferson Retirement to Monticello Vast correspondence; hospitality Fame as a writer Friend of religious liberty and popular education Founds the University of Virginia His great services
The States of the American Union after the Revolution, for a time a loose confederation, retaining for the most part powers of independent governments.
The Constitution (1787-89) sought to remedy this and other defects.
One Supreme Court created, in which was vested the judicial power of the United States.
John Marshall, in order the fourth Chief Justice (1801-35), takes pre-eminent part in the development of the judicial power.
Earns the title of "Expounder of the Constitution".
Birth (1755) and parentage.
His active service in the Revolutionary War.
Admitted to the bar (1780) and begins practice (1781).
A member of the Virginia Legislature.
Supporter of Washington's administrations, and leader of Federal party.
United States Envoy to France (1797-98).
Member of Congress from Virginia (1799-1800), and supporter of President Adams's administration.
Secretary of State in Adams's Cabinet (1800-01).
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
His many important decisions on constitutional questions.
Maintains power of the Supreme Court to decide upon the constitutionality of Acts of Congress.
Asserts power of Federal Government to incorporate
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