Barchester Towers | Page 3

Anthony Trollope
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I Who will be the new Bishop? II Hiram's Hospital, according to Act of Parliament III Dr and Mrs Proudie IV The Bishop's Chaplain V A Morning Visit VI War VII The Dean and

Chapter take
Counsel VIII The Ex-Warden rejoices at his probable Return to the Hospital IX The Stanhope Family X Mrs Proudie's Reception--Commenced XI Mrs Proudie's Reception--Concluded XII Slope versus Harding XIII The Rubbish Cart XIV The New Champion XV The Widow's Suitors XVI Baby Worship XVII Who shall be Cock of the Walk? XVIII The Widow's Persecution XIX Barchester by Moonlight XX Mr Arabin XXI St Ewold's Parsonage XXII The Thornes of Ullathorne XXIII Mr Arabin reads himself in at St Ewold's XXIV Mr Slope manages matters very well at Puddingdale XXV Fourteen Arguments in favour of Mr Quiverful's Claims XXVI Mrs Proudie wrestles and gets a Fall XXVII A Love Scene XXVIII Mrs Bold is entertained by Dr and Mrs Grantly at Plumstead XXIX A serious Interview XXX Another Love Scene XXXI The Bishop's Library XXXII A New Candidate for Ecclesiastical Honours XXXIII Mrs Proudie Victrix XXXIV Oxford--The Master and Tutor of Lazarus XXXV Miss Thorne's Fete Champetre XXXVI Ullathorne Sports--Act I XXXVII The Signora Neroni, the Countess De Courcy, and Mrs Proudie meet each other at Ullathorne XXXVIII The Bishop sits down to Breakfast and the Dean dies XXXIX The Lookalofts and the Greenacres XL Ullathorne Sports--Act II XLI Mrs Bold confides her Sorrow to her Friend Miss Stanhope XLII Ullathorne Sports--Act III XLIII Mrs and Mrs Quiverful are made happy. Mr Slope is encouraged by the Press XLIV Mrs Bold at Home XLV The Stanhopes at Home XLVI Mr Slope's parting Interview with the Signora
XLVII The Dean Elect XLVIII Miss Thorne shows her Talent at Match-making XLIX The Belzebub Colt L The Archdeacon is satisfied with the State of Affairs LI Mr Slope's Farewell to the Palace and its Inhabitants LII The new Dean takes Possession of the Deanery, and the New Warden of the Hospital LIII Conclusion

In the latter days of July in the year 185-, a most important question was for ten days hourly asked in the cathedral city of Barchester, and answered every hour in various ways--Who was to be the new Bishop?
The death of old Dr Grantly, who had for many years filled the chair with meek authority, took place exactly as the ministry of Lord - was going to give place to that Lord -. The illness of the good old man was long and lingering, and it became at last a matter of intense interest to those concerned whether the new appointment should be made by a conservative or liberal government.
Bishop Grantly died as he had lived, peaceably, slowly, without pain and without excitement. The breath ebbed from him almost imperceptibly, and for a month before his death, it was a question whether he was alive or dead.
A trying time was this for the archdeacon, for whom was designed the reversion of his father's see by those who then had the giving away of episcopal thrones. I would not be understood to say that the prime minister had in so many words promised the bishopric to Dr Grantly. He was too discreet a man for that. There is a proverb with reference to
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