Baltimore Catechism No. 4 (of 4) | Page 3

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examination, I think you have done your work well, and you deserve
the thanks of all teachers of catechism and those who have charge of
our schools. You have simplified the work of the teacher by putting in
his hand such a ready handbook and commentary on the text he is
supposed to explain. If they do what they expect their pupils to
do--study the lesson--with such a help as you have furnished them, the
work of the Sunday school will be much more satisfactory. I hope the
hearty appreciation of those for whom you have labored will crown
your work with abundant success."
Right Rev. Henry Joseph Richter, D.D., Bishop of Grand Rapids: "The
aim of your book is excellent. To judge from the portions which I have

read, your labor has been successful. I recommend the book to all
Catholic adults, but especially to teachers and converts, as a convenient
handbook of appropriate, plain, and solid instructions on the doctrine of
the Catholic Church."
Right Rev. S. V. Ryan, D.D., Bishop of Buffalo: "I think your work
fully meets all you claim for it. It will serve as a good textbook for an
advanced catechism class, and a very useful handbook for catechists in
instructing converts or our own people what they should know and
what they are bound to believe in regard to our holy faith. The book
will, I think, do good in any Catholic family."
Right Rev. L. Scanlan, D.D., Bishop of Salt Lake: "I consider it a most
useful if not necessary book, not only for Sunday school teachers and
for advanced classes, but for all who may desire to have a clear,
definite knowledge of Christian doctrine."


The Lord's Prayer The Angelical Salutation The Apostles' Creed The
Confiteor An Act of Faith An Act of Hope An Act of Love An Act of
Contrition The Blessing before Meals Grace after Meals The Manner in
Which a Lay Person Is to Baptize in Case of Necessity
Lesson 1--On the End of Man Lesson 2--On God and His Perfections
Lesson 3--On the Unity and Trinity of God Lesson 4--On Creation
Lesson 5--On Our First Parents and the Fall Lesson 6--On Sin and Its
Kinds Lesson 7--On the Incarnation and Redemption Lesson 8--On Our
Lord's Passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension Lesson 9--On the
Holy Ghost and His Descent upon the Apostles Lesson 10--On the
Effects of the Redemption Lesson 11--On the Church Lesson 12--On
the Attributes and Marks of the Church Lesson 13--On the Sacraments
in General Lesson 14--On Baptism Lesson 15--On Confirmation
Lesson 16--On the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Ghost Lesson 17--On
the Sacrament of Penance Lesson 18--On Contrition Lesson 19--On
Confession Lesson 20--On the Manner of Making a Good Confession
Lesson 21--On Indulgences Lesson 22--On the Holy Eucharist Lesson
23--On the Ends for which the Holy Eucharist Was Instituted Lesson

24--On the Sacrifice of the Mass Lesson 25--On Extreme Unction and
Holy Orders Lesson 26--On Matrimony Lesson 27--On the
Sacramentals Lesson 28--On Prayer Lesson 29--On the
Commandments of God Lesson 30--On the First Commandment
Lesson 31--The First Commandment--On the Honor and Invocation of
the Saints Lesson 32--From the Second to the Fourth Commandment
Lesson 33--From the Fourth to the Seventh Commandment Lesson
34--From the Seventh to the Tenth Commandment Lesson 35--On the
First and Second Commandments of the Church Lesson 36--On the
Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Commandments of the Church Lesson
37--On the Last Judgment and Resurrection, Hell, Purgatory and

It must be evident to all who have had experience in the work of our
Sunday schools that much time is wasted in the classes. Many teachers
do little more than mark the attendance and hear the lessons; this being
done, time hangs heavily on their hands till the school is dismissed.
They do not or cannot explain what they are teaching, and the children
have no interest in the study.
The Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism is intended for their use.
The explanations are full and simple. The examples are taken from
Holy Scripture, from the parables of Our Lord, from incidents in His
life, and from the customs and manners of the people of His time.
These are made applicable to our daily lives in reflections and
The plan of the book makes it very simple and handy. The Catechism is
complete and distinct in itself, and may be used with or without the
explanations. The teacher is supposed, after hearing the lesson, to read
the explanation of the new lesson as far as time will allow. It may be
read just as it is, or may be learned by the teacher and given to the
children in substance.
The Explanation of the Baltimore Catechism will be found very useful
also for
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